HIST 300
Devotional Analysis Assignment Instructions
To help you integrate a biblical worldview with history, you are required to create a “family devotional” based on a specific passage of Scripture that aptly applies to a critical event in the life of your ancestors.
You may choose any relevant passage of Scripture (a maximum of 4 verses), then write a 250-word devotional connecting the passage’s meaning to your family history event. Be careful not to claim knowledge of God’s providence that He chooses not to reveal to us through the Bible. For example, you would not choose the story of Noah, and then claim God specifically chose your ancestor, who first came to North America, just so that you could attend Liberty University. That revelation is not found in the book of Genesis. However, you might choose the story of Noah to explain how his faith enabled him to endure great struggle, resentment, even hatred, and then compare that to how your family may have relied upon their faith to overcome enslavement or migrating to a new part of the country where they were not welcome.
The devotion part of the exercise should be sophisticated and have intellectual weight. This is something that your future descendants—many generations from now—may read. Make it excellent.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.