NSG 501 assignment 2


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“Your Theory” Paper Assignment

Based on course readings, resources, and discussions, create your own theory based on your specific practice area. For example, Liken’s Theory of Nurse/Patient Connectedness for Individuals with a Diagnosis of Depression. 

Be sure to include definitions and descriptions of at least two key concepts that make up your theory. Describe the relationships between these concepts. For example, “connectedness” and “depression.” 

What role does research play in the development and use of your theory in practice? 

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Give a case example of how your concepts and theories would be used in a specific client situation in practice.

What are the barriers to using your theory in practice? 

Grading is according to the Grading Rubric for Written Assignments found in the first content section of the course in D2L.

The paper is submitted to the Assignment box of the course in D2L. 

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