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Generalized anxiety disorder, as described by Comer, is “experience excessive anxiety under most circumstances and worry about practically anything. (Comer & Comer, 2021).” This type of anxiety does not only affect the person mentally, it can affect their job performance and relationships with others. GAD does not only affect adults, children can experience this as well, mainly seen as separation anxiety. Many typically feel restless, on edge or have sleeping problems. During this anxiety, these symptoms can last 6 months and decrease the individuals experience and quality of life. (Comer & Comer, 2021). Cognitive behavioral model is typically found as the best treatment for someone experiencing GAD, which helps the client to better view their thoughts and behaviors, and work on bettering them in times of stress.

Obsessive compulsive disorder is the individual having a thought, idea, impulse that is consistently their which raises their anxiety, then it is followed by an action or behavior that tries to alleviate that anxiety. (Comer & Comer, 2021). This can cause individuals to have trouble sleeping if their house is not in a certain order or they do not do their nightly routine. Also, this can cause individuals to be late due to ensuring their house is clean, making sure their house is locked or doing something a certain amount of times before they can leave. Some of the best ways to help treat OCD is though the psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and biological models. Through the psychodynamic model this helps the client to “uncover and overcome their underlying conflicts and defenses… (Comer & Comer, 2021).” In the cognitive-behavioral model, this helps limit the client’s amount of obsessions and compulsions, and their impact. During the biological model, not only therapy works but utilizing antidepressants have helped in treatment.

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