1Select one assessment from the Northouse text, that is, authentic leadership questionnaire, LMX, servant leadership, or another assessment at the end of one of the chapters. Fill out the questions/items related to the assessment


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1Select one assessment from the Northouse text, that is, authentic leadership questionnaire, LMX, servant leadership, or another assessment at the end of one of the chapters. Fill out the questions/items related to the assessment. Note what you learn about the theory and what you learn about yourself as a leader through the results of the assessment.

Prepare a post that responds to these prompts:

Discuss why this leadership assessment is of interest to you, related to a specific leadership theory, style, or model.

What did you learn about the theory and/or your leadership approach from this assessment?

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How might this learning help you in the way you lead in the workplace, family, or community?

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