We value customers’ trust and investment in our assignment help services at Achiever Essays and thus your money will be refunded if anything goes wrong. Unlike other companies that do not keep their promise of returning your money if you are unsatisfied, we have developed a special refund system that allows you to request and receive a refund as any stage of your order. 

Customer satisfaction is our main goal as we strive to be the best service providers in the academic writing industry. We guarantee full protection of each customer’s rights in all their transactions with us. We want you to feel safe when placing your order on our website. With us you get quality for your money or your money will be refunded to your account upon request. Please read through this page to understand more on your right to refund and why your refund request might be disregarded.

Order Cancellation

Contact us as soon as possible if you want to cancel your order through live chat, email, or call. This should be followed with a cancellation message on your personal order page. Though there are many reasons a client might decide to cancel their order, the following are the main reasons of order cancellation. We have as well stated the steps taken in each case and the possible amount of refund.

  • I want to cancel my order

The refund you receive in this case will depend on whether a writer has been assigned your order, the amount of research and writing the writer has done, and how much time has passed or the remaining time to your order’s deadline.

The amount of refund you are entitle to is different if you decide to cancel your order after it has been assigned to a writer. The writer must be compensated for their effort and the refund will depend on your deadline and how much time has passed since you placed your order.  

  • 100% refund- You receive a full refund if you cancel your order before we assign it to a writer. No one has worked on your order thus no need for compensation on anyone.
  • 70% refund– You may be eligible for up to 70% refund if half of your order’s deadline or less has passed. This is the time between when you placed you r order and when you contacted us for order cancellation. 
  • 50% refund- You may be eligible for up to 50% refund if you cancel your order when half or more than half of your order’s deadline has passed. 
  • 30% refund- You may be eligible for up to 30% refund after your order has been uploaded on your personal order page. This can only happen if you have nor approved nor downloaded your paper and the circumstances for order cancellation were beyond your control. 

NB: Once your order has been delivered to your order page on time, it cannot be cancelled. A refund can only be requested on quality concerns by pressing on the “refund” button on your personal order page. 

  • I paid for the same order twice

Do not hesitate to contact us if you realize that your card has been charged or you paid for the same order more than once. Forward both receipt to us and the extra amount will be refunded to your account. No need to charge us back through your bank as we will ensure your money is returned to your account as soon as possible.

  • I accidentally placed two identical orders

Contact us immediately if you realize that you placed to or more identical orders. The orders will be cancelled if they have not been assigned to writers and the extra amount will be credited to your account. If you are too late and the orders have been assigned to writers, standard procedure for order cancellation will be applied. In this case, a full refund will be impossible and the amount you receive will be calculate as that of a regular according to the standard procedure for order cancellation. Contact us soon as you realize this mistake so the writer(s) can be notified to discontinue working on the unnecessary order(s).

Late Delivery/Past Deadline Delivery

Our aim is to deliver all our orders on time and meet all our clients’ deadlines. We will do anything in our power to ensure we meet all your expectations. In some very rare cases, we might be unable to deliver your paper before the deadline due to unavoidable circumstance. In such a situation, the amount of refund will depend on whether the paper is still needed or not. The following are the common case of late deliveries and the choices you have in each case.

  • My paper was delivered late

Ensure that all materials needed in processing your order are uploaded on time. It will ensure that the writer has an easy time working on your order. In case the deadline of your order passes and the paper has not been uploaded on your order page and no explanation on the same from our support team, contact us immediately. You can reach us through live chat, phone call, email, or a message on your personal page. The sooner you reach us, the better. 

The choice are the choices you have in case your paper is delivered past deadline and you were not contacted for time expansion.

  • Price recalculation. We offer price recalculations in cases where the first version of your paper is delivered past deadline. The price will be recalculated according to the exact time the paper was delivered. This will cost less and the extra amount will be refunded to your account. For example, if an 8-hour-delivery order is delivered an hour later, it will fall in the 24-hour-delivery period which is cheaper. Feel free to contact us for a price recalculation in case this happens.
  • 7% refund of the total cost for long orders. If a long-term order of between 11 to 14 days is delivered late, the client has the right to request and receive a 7% refund of the total cost of the order. These are orders such as dissertations, reports, and ……
  • 100% refund if you did not approve the first version of your order. If you do not need the paper after a late delivery, do not approve the first version of the paper to receive a 100% refund. If a full refund is issued to you, you do not have the right to use the paper or any other materials that might have been delivered to you previously in relation to the order. The paper and the materials remain as the properties of our company. The company has the right to publish them online for commercial purposes. 

NB: You cannot receive a lateness refund if the late delivery of your paper was caused by lateness on your side. Ensure all materials and information needed in processing your order are given during the order stage. Attach and upload all files in the order form to give the writer enough time to review the materials before they start working on your order. Payments should be made as soon as the order has been placed. We are only responsible for delivering a paper that has been paid for and the payment authorized. If you fail on this, you are not legible for a lateness refund.

  • The revision of my paper was late

There are no lateness refunds and price recalculation for revisions as revision deadlines are set separately from the original order deadline. Once the first version of your order has been delivered on time, you cannot request a lateness refund. 

When setting the revision deadline, ensure you give the writer ample time to work on your order. This will also depend on whether the writer is working on another order and whether it can be rescheduled to give time for the revision. If a new writer is needed to work on your revision, you might have to extend the revision time with up to 12 hours.

NB: It is important to leave enough time between your exact deadline and the deadline you set for your paper on our website. Leave at least 30% gap so you have time to review your paper and request changes where necessary. 

Quality Concern

  • I am not fully satisfied with the quality of the paper delivered to me thus I request a partial refund.

There are several options available if you are not fully satisfied by the quality of the paper delivered to you. If you accept the paper, you can choose from any of the following options.

  • Request a free revision.
  • Request a free revision from a different expert.
  • Request a partial refund. 

We offer free unlimited revision on all our orders. This means that you can request as many revisions as necessary to make your paper perfect. All partial refund requests should be sent within 14 after the approval of your initial order.

  • How to get a partial refund

The following steps will help you get a partial refund if you are not fully satisfied with the quality of the paper delivered to you. 

  1. Press the refund button on your personal order page. This is the only acceptable way of sending a refund request. You can contact our team after this to ensure your refund request has been received.
  2. You are provided with an editable version of the paper where you are expected to provide strong reasons to back up your claim. You can as well share the edited version of the paper as supportive evidence. The evidence should be provided within 14 days failure your refund request will be cancelled and no refund will be possible. You must provide strong and sincere reasons to support your dispute.
  3. Your argument is sent to our dispute resolution center who conducts an investigation to rectify your claim. Depending on the arguments you provide, you can receive up to a 40% refund. The amount of refund you receive will be agreed upon by our dispute resolution center.

NB: There is no fixed percentage refund for orders under dispute as each case is analyzed and resolved individually. The percentage of each refund is determined after a thorough investigation. 

  • I am completely dissatisfied with the quality of the paper delivered to me thus I request a full refund.

If you are completely dissatisfied with the quality of the paper delivered to you, you can:

  • Request a free revision.
  • Request to have the paper reassigned to a new writer.
  • Request a full refund.

You can contact our support team using any of the available modes of communication if you need help with any order that has been delivered to you. We are always available and ready to help.

  • How to get a refund.

Follow these steps to request a refund

  1. Press the refund button on your personal order page. A full refund should be requested within 14 days from the day your initial order was delivered.
  2. Provide strong reasons to support your claim within 14 days. If the evidence is not provided within 14 days, your dispute will be canceled and the case closed. 
  3. Our dispute resolution center will review your supporting evidence and decide on the percentage of refund you should receive. You can send your version of the paper as evidence that the writer assigned your order was unable to follow your assignment instructions. 

If you are awarded a full refund, the paper delivered to you will be posted online for commercial purposes. You do not have the right to use the paper or any other materials that might have been delivered to you.

NB: You cannot request a full refund after approving the first version of your paper. Please use the option of reviewing the paper before approving it. Only press approve button if you are sure the paper fully meets your academic standards. Once you have pressed the “approve” button, you are only legible for a partial refund.

Refund on Additional Services

  • Progressive delivery order

We charge a fee of 10% of the original cost for progressive delivery orders. The fee is non-refundable. The feature is usually applied on long orders where the order is delivered in parts. Please review each part before approval as you can’t request a refund once the part has been approved. The writer starts working on the next part once the previous part has been approved. After the initial approval, you have a maximum of 21 days to request a free revision. 

  • Sample service.

The $5 fee for sample service becomes non-refundable once the samples have been delivered to you. It is your responsibility to review the samples early enough as you have 3 hours to decide whether the writer is fit to work on your order. If you do not communicate with us within the three hours, the writer initially assigned your order will be instructed to start working on your order.

  • Writer’s category.

We have three writer categories which you can select a writer from to work on your order according to the instructions complexity. The following are the charges for each writer category.

  • Advanced. 25% of the total order price.
  • ENL. 30% of the total order price.
  • Best available. Standard price.

The writer category fee is refundable if we can’t find an expert in your field of study to work on your order from the category of your choice. A “best available” expert will be assigned your order and the extra fee will be refunded to your account. 

  • Copies of sources used

The fee for copies used feature becomes non-refundable once the copies of the sources have been delivered with your paper. But if the copies are not delivered with your order, you are legible for the refund of the amount you paid for the service.

  • Editing, proofreading, or formatting- We do not offer refunds for these services are such orders contain content that had been originally written by you. This content might contain errors of contextual nature which might be hard to completely eliminate.

No writer was found to work on my order.

If we do not find a writer qualified enough to work on your order, you will be informed instantly. Your money will be returned in full as soon as possible as we do not wish to waste your time in cases where an expert is not available to work on your order. We aim at delivering the best services and that’s why your order must be assigned to a skilled and qualified writer in your field of study. 

If this writer is not available and your deadline cannot allow an extension, you will be informed as soon as possible and your money refunded in full. In case where you want another writer reassigned your order for a revision and the writer is not available, you can receive a partial refund under the discretion of our dispute resolution center. 

I forgot to approve my paper

If you fail to approve your paper within 14 days from the time it was uploaded on your personal order page, it will be approved automatically by our system. After this you have 14 days to request a free revision or a partial refund after which none of these will be possible.

How long does the processing of a refund take?

Refund time depends on the reason for the refund and the time taken by the bank to process the refund. 3 to 4 business days will be taken to complete a refund request in the case of payment issues or order cancellation.

Quality based refund requests will take more time. The dispute resolution center must review the evidence from the client and the paper that had been delivered by the writer to come up with a solution that is favorable to both parties. This will take up to 14 days. 

How to avoid situations that will make a refund necessary. 

Follow these precautions to minimize the need for a refund.

  • Ensure the instructions you provide on the order form are complete and correct before placing your order. 
  • Provide the writer with the necessary documents, details, attach files, and provide links when filling the order form.
  • Communicate with your writer throughout the processing of your order. 
  • Track the progress of your order through your personal order page or you can contact us regularly to inquire on the progress of your order.
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