2-3 pages due in 24 hrs

  • Describe the role of the EEOC in the practice of I/O psychology and three different laws that are enforced by the EEOC.
  • Describe two different types of discrimination prohibited by the laws enforced by EEOC and at least three best practices you would suggest for ensuring equity in the workplace.
  • Suppose you find yourself in an elevator with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company that you admire greatly. You strike up a casual conversation that suddenly turns to the topic of discrimination in the workplace, and you quickly realize that the CEO has no understanding of I/O psychology or I/O psychologists’ roles in addressing these concerns. One day you hope to begin your I/O career at this company or one similar to it. Therefore, you decide to give a quick elevator speech on I/O psychology and its role in best practices to address discrimination and inequity in the workplace. What would you say?


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