2 Question. 1. Make an ERD from business case end description. use LUCIDCHART ONLY 2. Convert an ERD to RDM.

You will create an Entity Relationship model for a business case

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1)Read through the following business case.

2)Create an Entity relationship model with the necessary entities, attributes, identifiers and relationships to capture the data.

All relationships should be labeled with verb phrases.

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Use UML notation for this work.

Relationship lines should be straight and should not cross.

3)Write out two “relationship sentences” for each relationship using the format:

One may be (or must be) one (or many)

Hunter College is moving to allow staff computing. Employee can use desktop computers in their offices. They can also use a variety of personal mobile computing devices such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops. But this also introduces some security risks. Hunter College wants to ensure that any devices connecting to its servers are properly registered and approved by BCTC. Hunter College tries to create a date based to satisfy needs described below:

Every employee must work for a department. This database only tracks in which department an employee is currently employed. A newly created department may exist without any employees. The system needs to keep every employee’s employee number, name (first, last, and middle initial), and title. For a department, system also needs track a department code, name, mail box number, and phone number.

All employees can use several devices but only devices that are registered to an employee will be in the database. The system will assign a device id to a device when this device is registered. Most employees have at least one device, but newly hired employees might not have any registered devices initially. When a device is registered in the system, the system will store the brand and model of a device and the date of that registration.

For each mobile device, system will store its operating system (OS), the version of the OS, and device serial number. IT department needs to verify whether each mobile device has a screen lock enabled and has encryption enabled for data. The system stores information on whether or not each mobile device has these capabilities enabled. For each desktop, system will record its static IP address, the MAC address, and location (building name and office number).

After a device’s registration and the appropriate capabilities are enabled (if it is mobile device), this device may be approved for connections to one or more servers. But not all devices are approved at the beginning.

The system needs to store each server’s name, brand, IP address, server rooms where the physical servers can be located, and its operating system. Some servers are virtual servers and some are physical servers. If a server is a virtual server, then the system should track which physical server it is running on. A single physical server can host many virtual servers, but each virtual server is hosted on only one physical server. Only physical servers can host a virtual server. In other words, one virtual server cannot host another virtual server. Not all physical servers host a virtual server.

A server can normally connect to many devices that are approved to access this server. However, a new server may have any approved devices. After a device is approved for connection to a server, the system records approval date. It is also possible that a device that was approved for a server lose its approval. If that happens, system needs to record the date that the approval was removed. A device that loses its approval may regain that approval at a later date when issues causing removal are solved.

A server can provide many services (e.g., email, meeting schedules, and others). Each service on a server has a unique id number and name. For each service, system needs to record the date that company started offering this service. Each service runs on only one server although new servers might not offer any services initially.

Employees must get permission to access a service before they can use it. Most employees have permissions to use a wide array of services, but new employees might not have permission on any service. Each service can support multiple approved employees as users, but new services might not have any approved users at first. The date on which the employee is approved to use a service is tracked by the system.

Question 2: Please convert the following ERD to RDM (1.6 points):

This ERD describes:

Volunteer working on tasks.

Tasks are to create packages.

Packages include items.


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