Business Case: Airport Data Center

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Airport’s Current Situation:

  • The airport currently serves 15,000 passengers daily.
  • It employs 150 full-time and 128 part-time employees.

Components of Airport Data Center’s IT System:

  • Passenger Database
  • Airlines/Flights Database
  • Employees Database
  • Processing/Computing: Creating passenger invoices and boarding passes
  • Long-term data storage to meet regulatory requirements, retaining passenger and flight data for five years.

Final Exam Questions:

Question 1: There’s a risk of a large cargo aircraft losing control and damaging the Airport’s Data Center. How can you minimize this threat’s impact to ensure the airport keeps operating?

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Question 2: There’s a risk of power outages at the Airport’s Data Center due to severe storms in the region. How can you reduce the impact of this threat to ensure the airport continues operating?

Consider this new situation for the following questions: The airport is rapidly growing and will soon reach 30,000 passengers daily. Expanding the physical Data Center is not feasible due to the speed of growth.

Question 3: Which parts of the Airport’s Data Center would you move to the cloud to accommodate the increased demand? Which components would you keep at the airport’s Data Center? Explain your choices.

Question 4: Before migrating the IT components to the cloud as mentioned in question 3, what system requirements would you consider when selecting a cloud service provider?

Question 5: If you decide to delegate a significant portion of day-to-day management to the cloud service provider, what steps would you take as an IT manager to monitor the Airport’s Data Center’s system performance?

Question 6: How would you address three security issues related to the long-term operation of the Airport’s Data Center in partnership with the cloud service provider?

  • Unauthorized disclosure of passengers’ data
  • Unauthorized alteration and modification of airlines’ flight data
  • Destruction of stored/archived passengers’ data

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