Term Paper:
Students are to write a very brief (2-3 page) research proposal in APA style which includes the following:
1. Introduction
• What you are studying
• Why it is worth studying and why is it an important issue
• Give a brief background to the issue

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2. Hypothesis and Variables
• Your proposed research hypothesis
• The variables examined in your hypothesis (state the I.V. & the D.V.)

3. Literature Review: Discuss two empirical research studies. For each study, specifically discuss:
• What did the researchers study?
• What hypothesis did they try to test?
• How did they study (subjects, location, etc…)
• What did they find (what are some of the findings)?

4. Methodology
• What is your population (subjects): Who will you survey?
• What is the proposed sample size?
• How are you going to sample, i.e. what sampling methodology will you employ and why

5. Data collection and questionnaire design
• How will you administer your questionnaire (if you are doing survey research)
• What type of questions will you ask (design three questions that will measure your IV and three questions that will measure your DV). Indicate which variable the question is designed to measure. An example is below:
E.g. What is your marital status? (Variable: Marital Status. I.V.)
​Never Married

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