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to locate peer-reviewed journal articles, written within the last 5 years, that focus on the importance of play for young children’s healthy development and learning. 

Assignment 1: Blog: The importance of Play in Early Childhood

To Prepare:

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Walden Library

 to locate peer-reviewed journal articles, written within the last 5 years, that focus on the importance of play for young children’s healthy development and learning. 


· You may need to read/skim a number of articles before you find one you choose to use as the basis for this Assignment.

By Day 7 of Week 10

After reading the article you chose, create a post for your blog that includes the following:

· A summary of the article

· How the information gleaned from this article may inform your work related to learning about the role of play in children’s healthy development

· An APA citation of the article

· One resource cited in the article that you would like to read to extend your learning.

Please paste this post into your blog. Be sure to read through your peers’ blogs and note any resources that might inform your current and/or future early childhood practice and areas of possible research.

Submission and Grading Information

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