Global Public Health Nursing: Population Health Around the Globe

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NUR4636– Community Health Nursing

Case Study

Chapter 16

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Global Public Health Nursing: Population Health Around the


Community health nurses work with populations that vary from country to country,

and to serve them appropriately requires an understanding of the ways in which the

context in which they are located interacts with their health status and health

histories. Student nurses are spending a month in Africa reviewing global health

and international community health nursing.

1. The student nurses are required to examine the population in Africa to assess

the kinds of health conditions the population experiences. What is the

context and framework for delivering community-based nursing within the

context of international community health nursing?

2. The student nurses are examining the population to assess the kinds of

health conditions the African population experience. The international

community health nurses suggest using the three eras and the three P’s as

helpful guides in this assessment. What are the three eras and the three P’s

that the student nurses need to consider?

3. What major international, national, regional, and local organizational

structures and organizations affect the ways in which community health

nursing is practiced?

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