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Topic will be on Autism Spectrum Disorder

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For this assignment, you will gather resources to use when crafting your final Research Project.  Locate five resources that address your approved topic and summarize your findings.

COURSE – Title Of Course

PSY320 – Language Development
in Young Children

Project – Annotated Bibliography

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Due: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 3
Points: 100

  • Overview:
  • For this assignment you will gather resources to use when crafting your final
    Research Project. Locate five resources that address your approved topic and
    summarize your findings.

    The five resources must include:
    • Two scholarly/peer-reviewed research articles from an academic journal.
    • One other primary resource: an article written by a professional

    organization or expert in the field, resources provided by .edu or .gov
    websites, etc.

    • Two audio/video resources that best illustrate the language disorder
    you are examining.

    Each written resource must be accompanied by a summary that includes the following:

    • URL link to the resource
    • Date of the publication
    • Author
    • Hypothesis of the study
    • Discussion of the overall method
    • Results and conclusions of the study
    • Limitations and recommendations for future studies

    For each Video include the following:

    • URL link to video
    • Date of the video
    • Source/author of the video
    • Brief discussion of how this video typifies the behaviors, speech and

    language of the disorder.
    • Brief examination of the potential limitations of the video as to how

    well it represents this population.

  • Guidelines:
  • • Be sure to cite appropriately following APA guidelines for

    referencing and paraphrasing that may be included in your work.
    • List the articles according to APA format and provide the URL links

    for your instructor to access.
    • Include an APA formatted Reference Page as the last page in your assignment.

  • Useful Resources:
  • • How to prepare an annotated bibliography: The annotated bibliography. (n.d.).
    Cornell University Library.
    • Primary and secondary sources. (n.d.). Ithaca College Library.

    Be sure to read the criteria, by which your project will be evaluated, before you write,
    and again after you write.

  • Evaluation Rubric for Annotated Bibliography Assignment
  • CRITERIA Deficient Satisfactory Proficient

    0 – 13 Points 14 –17 Points 18 – 20 Points


    Inadequate number
    of resources are
    provided; resources
    do not connect well
    to the research topic.

    Required amount of
    resources are
    provided; resources
    connect somewhat to
    the research topic.

    The resources provided
    follow all requirements
    and connect well to the
    research topic.

    0 – 27 Points 28 – 35 Points 36 – 40 Points

    Resource Summaries

    Summaries are
    lacking in detail,
    missing, or incorrect.

    Summaries provide
    essential information
    but are somewhat
    unclear; lacking
    information and

    Summaries include all
    requirements, are
    accurate, and
    discussed in clear

    0 – 13 Points 14 – 17 Points 18 – 20 Points

    Clear and

    professional writing

    Errors impede

    Few errors that do not
    impede professional

    Writing and format is
    clear, professional, and
    error free

    APA, Grammar and

    Does not meet APA
    format. Has
    grammatical and

    Some APA,
    grammatical, and/or
    mechanical errors.

    Minimal to none APA,
    grammatical, and/or
    mechanical errors.

      Useful Resources:
      Evaluation Rubric for Annotated Bibliography Assignment

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