1/30/22, 1:12 PM Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-530-X3526 Leading People & Organizations 22TW3
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Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
This assignment is a con�nua�on of the employee sa�sfac�on survey results and GROW model template assignment that you
completed in Module Two.
The organiza�on that you are a director of leadership and learning for has been conduc�ng engagement surveys among its
employees every two years to gain a deeper understanding of employees’ views on areas such as customer service, the
organiza�on’s overall strategy, job sa�sfac�on, rewards and recogni�on, and training and development. The most recent survey was
conducted this year, and the organiza�on wants to carry out another survey in two years.
Your task is to con�nue using your GROW model template you began in Module Two to complete the final three sec�ons:
Iden�fied Gaps—Obstacles
Goal Revision
A Way Forward—Ac�on
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. In the Iden�fied Gaps—Obstacles sec�on, describe obstacles that might prevent the focus areas you previously iden�fied
moving from current state to future state. Consider the following in your response:
a. Skill gaps, organiza�onal culture, and resources among other things
2. In the Goal Revision sec�on, for each of the goals you created previously, describe whether they need to be revised:
a. For the goals that do need to be revised, provide a revision and explain your changes based on obstacles you
iden�fied above.
b. For the goals that do not need to be revised, provide ra�onale for why this goal should remain the same. Support
your response.
3. In the A Way Forward—Ac�on sec�on, recommend an ac�onable step that should be taken in order to close the gap
between current state and desired future state for each iden�fied focus area and related goal. Your response should
the following for each ac�onable step:
a. An explana�on on what the step will entail
b. Iden�fica�on of stakeholders who will
need to be involved
c. Jus�fica�on for how this step will help close the gap between current state and desired future state
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your answers in the GROW Model Template that you began working on in Module Two. If references are included, they
should be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons.
Module Five Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)
Needs Improvement
Not Evident (0%) Value
MBA-530-X3526 Leading People & Organizations 22… TM
1/30/22, 1:12 PM Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-530-X3526 Leading People & Organizations 22TW3
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/949190/viewContent/16850123/View 2/4
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes obstacles
that might prevent
the previously
focus areas
moving from current
state to future state
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
accurate descrip�ons
of obstacles and
their rela�onship to
focus areas
Does not a�empt
Goal Revision Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes whether
goals need to be
revised; provides a
revision and
explana�on based on
obstacles for the
goals that do need
revision; and
provides ra�onale
for why the goals
that do not need
revision should
remain the same, and
supports this
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
explana�on for why
goals need to be
revised or do not
need to be revised
Does not a�empt
Ac�on Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Recommends an
ac�onable step that
should be taken in
order to close the
gap between current
state and desired
future state for each
iden�fied focus area
and related goal,
explains what the
step will entail, and
iden�fies which
stakeholders will
need to be involved
and provides
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
ac�onable steps with
clearly defined
stakeholders and
Does not a�empt
Ar�cula�on of
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys
meaning with correct
grammar, sentence
structure, and
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
Submission has
cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
Total: 100%
1/30/22, 1:12 PM Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-530-X3526 Leading People & Organizations 22TW3
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1/30/22, 1:12 PM Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-530-X3526 Leading People & Organizations 22TW3
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/949190/viewContent/16850123/View 4/4
Task: View this topic
MBA530 GROW Model: Employee Satisfaction Results
Name: Terrell McGhee
Date: 1/16/2022
Focus Area: Over the last four years, on average, 90% of the employees believe that the company constantly strives to provide value to its clients and customers. This perception has been stable over the last four years.
Company & Strategy
Focus Area: There has been a slight drop in the number of employees who believe that the company’s strategy is on the right path from 71% to 60%.
Job Satisfaction
Focus Area: Over the last four years, there has been a significant drop in the number of employees that feel satisfied at the workplace. Nevertheless, during this period, 80% of the employees are satisfied with being associated with the company externally.
Recognition & Praise
Focus Area: Four years ago, only 43% of employees felt that they got the recognition they deserve for their work duties. This number has dropped to only 35% in the current year.
Reward & Recognition
Focus Area: Over the last four years, most of the employees felt that they are not rewarded well enough for their efforts in the company. Currently, only 31% are satisfied with the company’s reward & recognition strategy.
6. Training & Development Focus Area
: Although 66% of the employees acknowledge that the company gives them training to perform their job duties, the majority of employees assert that they are not consulted on their training and development goals.
Working Conditions
Focus Area: Majority of the employees believe that the working conditions at the company are safe, orderly, clean, and show appreciation for the diversity and dignity of the staff. However, only 35% of the employees believe that the leadership acts in ethical ways.
There are certain focus areas that have seen significant changes compared to others. For instance, regarding job satisfaction, there has been a massive drop in the number of employees who feel satisfied at the workplace. For instance, four years ago, 48% of the employees were very satisfied with their jobs. Two years ago, this figure dropped to 41%. Currently, the figure stands at 35%. In comparison, the Client/customer focus are has not seen any notable change. Four years ago, 91% of the employees believed that the company constantly strives to provide value to its clients and customers. This figure currently stands at 90%.
One focus are might impact another. For example. The focus area of reward & recognition may focus the job satisfaction focus area. Having minimal recognition for the employees’ work efforts may result in employees being less satisfied with their jobs. In contrast, the company showing more appreciation to the efforts of the employees may increase the job satisfaction levels among many employees. From the survey results, four years ago, only 43% of employees felt that they got the recognition they deserve for their work duties. This number has dropped to only 35% in the current year. Consequently, over the last four years, there has been a significant drop in the number of employees that feel satisfied at the workplace.
1. Client/Customer Focus Area
2. Company & Strategy Focus Area
3. Job Satisfaction Focus Area
4. Recognition & Praise Focus Area
5. Reward & Recognition Focus Area
6. Training & Development Focus Area
7. Working Conditions Focus Area
1. Job Satisfaction Focus Area: The overall job satisfaction rates have been poor over the last four years. The rates have also been constantly dropping over the last four years. High job satisfaction is vital for any company since it results in improved organizational productivity, reduced job stress, and low employees turnover (Zardasht, Omed, & Taha, 2020). In turn, this leads to better customer satisfaction and higher company revenues. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the job satisfaction levels at the company.
2. Reward & Recognition Focus Area: Over the last four years, most of the employees felt that they are not rewarded well enough for their efforts in the company. Currently, only 31% are satisfied with the company’s reward & recognition strategy. Proper rewarding and recognizing of employees is crucial in improving employee engagement (Koo et al., 2020). In turn, this leads to the establishment of a positive workplace atmosphere and higher retention of employees. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the reward & recognition practices at the company.
3. Working Conditions Focus Area: Although the general working conditions at the company are at optimum levels, only 35% of the employees believe that the leadership acts in ethical ways. Ethical leadership is essential in providing an optimal setting for employees to facilitate higher productivity, better morale, and lower turnover. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the ethical leadership practices at the company.
1. Job Satisfaction Focus Area: Currently, the job satisfaction levels at the company are very low. The potential impact on survey result over time implies that job satisfaction levels over the last four years have been worsening. Hence, the implication is that there is a negative workplace atmosphere that adversely affects the wellbeing of the employees.
2. Reward & Recognition Focus Area: Currently, most employees feel that they are not adequately rewarded and recognized for their workplace efforts. The potential impact on survey result over time suggest that this has been the trend over the last four years. This implies that the management shows little or no appreciation to the efforts of their employees.
3. Working Conditions Focus Area: Currently, most employees believe that the leadership of the organization does not act in ethical ways in relation to work conditions. The potential impact on survey result over time suggest that this trend has been constant over the last four years. This implies that the management only act in ways that promote the profitability of the organization over certain ethical practices.
1. Job Satisfaction Focus Area: Over the next two years, there should be 10% increase in the job satisfaction levels in the company. This will translate to at least 45% of the employees being satisfied with their job. The impact of this goal will be seen in improved organizational productivity, reduced job stress, and low employees turnover.
2. Reward & Recognition Focus Area: Over the next two years, there should be 10% increase in the number of employees who feel they are adequately rewarded and recognized for their workplace efforts. This will translate to at least 45% of the employees feeling satisfied with the reward and recognition they receive from the company for their efforts. The impact of this goal will be seen in the increase in employee engagement in the company.
3. Working Conditions Focus Area: Over the next two years, there should be 10% increase in the number of employees who feel the leadership acts in ethical ways. The impact of this goal will be seen in higher productivity, better morale, and lower turnover.
1. [Insert text.]
2. [Insert text.]
3. [Insert text.]
Goal Revision
1. [Insert text.]
2. [Insert text.]
3. [Insert text.]
1. [Insert text.]
2. [Insert text.]
3. [Insert text.]
Koo, B., Yu, J., Chua, B. L., Lee, S., & Han, H. (2020). Relationships among emotional and material rewards, job satisfaction, burnout, affective commitment, job performance, and turnover intention in the hotel industry. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 21(4), 371-401.
Zardasht, P., Omed, S., & Taha, S. (2020). Importance of HRM policies on employee job satisfaction. Black Sea Journal of Management and Marketing, 1(1), 49-57.
Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 90 89 91
% of employees who believe the company constantly strives to provide value to clients/customers
Company & Strategy
Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 60 65 71
% of employees who believe that the company’s strategy is on the right path
Job Satisfaction
Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 35 41 48
% of employees who are satisfied with their job
Recognition & Praise
Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 35 40 43
% of employees who feel encouraged at the workplace
Reward & Recognition
Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 35 40 43 Year
% of employees who feel they are rewarded accordingly for thier work
Reward & Recognition
Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 25 28 33
% of employees who feel they are consulted for their training & development needs
Working Conditions
Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago 35 45 53
% of employees who feel the leadership acts in ethical ways