case study

Case write-up submission guidelines

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Part A

You are expected to submit a


summary of not more than 500 words. Below three points will provide you with an understanding of how to prepare the case summary for submission.

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  1. Start with the problem or need of the project you are solving. At the beginning of your executive summary, start by explaining why this document (and the project it represents) matter.
  2. Outline the recommended solution or the project’s objectives.
  3. Explain the solution’s value

Part B

You are expected to answer the following Case Questions (Word limit per question is 200 words)

Q1. Which assumptions underlie your analysis?

Q 2. What would you advise regarding the performance of the new Data Science algorithm based on the statistical analysis of the Hypothesis? Which algorithm is performing better?

Please Note: Use Times New Roman. Label parts and question numbers clearly.

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