Individual Contribution Report – Paper

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My Contribution to the Project is

Data Analysis, Data Cleansing, exploratory analysis for native-country, race, education and work
class of the dataset. machining learning model training and testing using the test dataset.

CSE 578: Data Visualization

Individual Contribution Report
This is Milestone 4 of your course project. You will write a

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-3 page report detailing your
individual contribution to your team project.


Your report should include the following:


. Reflection: What was your overall role in the team development process? What did you
specifically work on and contribute to?

2. Lessons Learned: What wisdom would you share with others regarding design
methods and how best to apply them, and/or suggested “design practices” to keep in
mind for future design projects?

3. Assessment/Grading: Was an honest effort made to learn from experience and to
identify how the lessons learned extend beyond this project?

4. Future Application: What skills have you learned in this course that you will apply in the
future in other MCS courses, or in the workplace?

Submission Directions for Checkpoint Deliverables

Upload your Individual Contribution Report as a file to the submission space in the wrap-up
section of the week it is due. This is an individual submission.

Grading Criteria

0 1 2

Reflection There is no reflection

The reflection attempts
to demonstrate thinking
about learning but is
vague and/or unclear
about the personal
learning process.

The reflection explains
the student’s own
thinking and learning
processes, as well as
implications for future



No lessons were
learned about the
design methods or
visualizations used in
this project.

Some lessons were
learned about the
design methods or
visualizations used in
this project, but they
are poorly defined or
lack understanding of

Lessons were learned
about the design
methods and
visualizations used in
this project, and they
are clearly defined and
understanding of


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