PSY: Behaviorism And Neobehaviorism Discussion

For each DQ elaborate within 260-300 words. Use in text citations accordingly. Use scholarly reference(s) along with the one(s) attached as well. Use and cite references using APA 7th Style Guide accordingly. Doctoral level class.

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DQ 1) Other than the research study “participants,” what is the most significant difference between Watson and animal psychologists? Why?

DQ 2) Research has shown that monetary incentive does not always work in motivating workers and may in fact hinder performance. This seems to go against the Skinnerian idea of reinforcement in behavior. What factors might prevent monetary reward from motivating workers to better performance? Why?


Three Views of Behaviorism Read: Moore, J. (2013). Three views of behaviorism. Psychological Record, 63(3), 681–691.

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A History of Modern Psychology Read Chapters 9-11.

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