2. Health Care Informatics: Technology Project in Nursing- IV pumps for nutrition in pediatric unit (Due 24 hours)


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1) Minimum  5 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page

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         Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

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4) Minimum 5 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

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5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX


It is a project that intends to be offered to a health institution for possible implementation (Hypothetically)

Topic:  IV pumps for nutrition in a pediatric unit

Continuing with the project designed in File 1 (attached) continue with the following questions.

1. Financial Proposal analysis 

2. Alternative plan of actions

3. Proposed project plan to include:

a. Project activities

b. Timeline

c. Budget

d. Evaluation Plan

4. Executive Summary at end of project 


IV Pumps for Nutrition in Pediatric Unit

The IV pumps play a critical role in the care of infants, children, and adolescents. They are widely applied in medical settings as patients rely on them for nutrients and medication. The significance of the IV pumps makes it an essential topic in healthcare, especially when it comes to pediatric care. The project focuses on the effectiveness of the utilization of the pumps in the administration of nutrients and possible interventions that can be used to enhance their functioning and minimize the drawbacks. In order to achieve the objective, the project will integrate details on the impact and success of the utilization of the pumps in giving nutrients. The information will also cover the issues that may come from applying the pumps in nutrition and how to subvert them. The essence of the project is established around improving healthcare processes, procedures and outcomes.

IV Pumps for Nutrition in Pediatric Unit

Description of Project Topic

The focus is solely on the application of the intravenous pump in providing nutrition to pediatric patients. They are three aspects that are incorporated in the project topic. It begins with the role of IV pumps in healthcare, their significance in the administration of nutrition, and then its primary use among pediatric patients. The topic shows the importance of the pumps in healthcare, given that it’s one of the equipment that are depended on to support the different medical processes and protocols (Puntis et al., 2018).

The IV pumps are used to accomplish many purposes, and administering nutrition is more or less the main role alongside administering medication. The topic narrows down to the use of pumps in nutrition. This makes the objective more specific and achievable. The topic points to one particular area that is integral in the sustenance of the health of patients and, in the process, establishes the substantial association between the use of IV pumps and nutrition (Woolf & Baum, 2017). The exploration serves as the key to a better understanding of the suitability or feasibility of this process. The topic lays the foundation for addressing one crucial matter associated with the infusion process.

The infusion pumps are essential in virtually all sectors of medical care, but the topic emphasizes the significance of using them with pediatric patients. This is because this group in the general population is one of the more vulnerable and dependent on the services of healthcare professionals. Ideally, the subject portrays the usefulness of applying IV pumps in providing nutrition to the young ones and sets a precedent for addressing the main aspects relevant in this mechanism of nutrition provision and administration (Woolf & Baum, 2017).

Description of Project

The project takes into consideration the process of delivering the nutrients to pediatric patients and all factors that are involved in implementing the process (Chen et al., 2019). It includes the key functions of the IV pumps and their impact on the delivery of nutrients among patients in the targeted setting. Some of the relevant points of examination entail the design and types of IV pumps and how they are applied to patients. These factors influence their performance and have implications for the progress of healthcare and any outcomes that follow. The project looks at the efficacy of the utilization of the pumps and the subsequent developments that are associated with them.

Crucial knowledge that the project depends on is based on data representing the medical experiences attached to the use of IV pumps. In setting up the study, the focus is on the outcomes which are reflective of the level of efficacy in using IV pumps in providing nutrition to pediatric patients. The results come from different medical settings that use the pumps. The settings provide the data on the success of the utilization of the equipment, the direct impact on healthcare, and other relevant effects that factor in the outcomes of the application among children, adolescents and infants (Puntis et al., 2018).

The project integrates the information on the success rate and possible issues that may occur. These details provide perspective on why and how the IV pumps should be utilized and help promote the success rate. The information is meant to enhance the understanding of the essence of the technique of nutrient administration. The flaws, errors, or mishaps that impact the process in some cases help in addressing the areas of need and the means of prevention such drawbacks (Woolf & Baum, 2017). Overall, the project is invested in covering the functionality of IV pumps when providing nutrition to young ones and the need to improve the outcomes.

Background Discussion

Infusions pumps have been an essential part of the delivery of medical care for some time now. There are various points of view that go into the discussion. Ever since the invention of the infusion pump, the healthcare sector has been transformed in many ways. The use of IV pumps has been one of the instrumental courses of action that have positively influenced patients’ well-being. They help disseminate the fluids that are integral in the survival of individuals (Puntis et al., 2018). There are different types of pumps, and they influence the care process in different ways.

Over time, the IV infusions have shown that there is a significant degree of complexity that is associated with the process. There is huge significance in the complexity as the infusions serve critical functions of the human body. The different types of IV pumps include an enteral pump, a patient-controlled analgesia pump (PCA), an insulin pump. They all are essential in the healthcare of patients, but the enteral pump is key as it is used in the delivery of nutrients into the patient (Giuliano, 2018). The aspects that are important include maintenance of correct level of fluid and electrolytes that help the body function fluidly.

The IV infusions pose a great risk to patient safety, as can be observed in the various studies that are available. The complexity in their application has been reflected in prior studies, which have indicated that the effectiveness of the infusion process is associated with better healthcare outcomes. According to research, more than 50% of patients have experienced adverse events out of the association (Giuliano, 2018). More than 55% of the adversities are associated with medication errors, with over 60% being tied to serious or life-threatening errors (Giuliano, 2018). The project thus addresses the efficacy of the pumps according to the indications of the data, and it subsequently deals with other relevant factors.

Goals andObjectives

The first goal of the study is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of IV pumps in administering nutrition to pediatric patients. As such, the purpose ties to the success rate or positive outcomes that are related to the use of these equipment. Emphasis is on the role of the project in the addition or reciprocation of information that supports the application of the IV pumps (McIntyre et al., 2019). The second goal is connected to the first goal as it is based on determining the means and measures that may be impactful in making the process more effective. The focus is on establishing the interventions that should enhance the successful utilization of the pumps with respect to nutrition and pediatric patients.

The main objective is that the project should provide know-how on the impact of IV pump use on the well-being of pediatric patients. This objective is established on defining why the pump should be used in the medical setting. It should provide an indication of how they are applied with an emphasis on the types of pumps and the techniques that are applied. The point is to determine the effectiveness of the pumps on the progression and ultimate recovery of the patients that have used the technique. The other objective is based on making the process more dependable through addressing the issues that affect it or other probable outcomes that may demean the feasibility of the study (Puntis et al., 2018).


The significance of the research topic and process is in the results that come out of the utilization of the process. The results show that there is a major correlation between the technique and the outcomes that define the process. The general population integrates the various perspectives that are essential in the process of the administration. These perspectives annunciate the essence of the utilization of the pumps and the outcomes that can be anticipated in the evaluation of the process (McIntyre et al., 2019). The findings can serve as the foundation for establishing better practices in healthcare and placing more emphasis on desirable health outcomes. Given the vulnerability of pediatric patients, better practices are instrumental in enhancing the level of care that they receive. The improvement of health outcomes in the utilization of the IV pumps is associated with more satisfaction from the patients.


IV pumps are essential in healthcare provision in different ways. The various mechanisms have proven to be useful in the continuity of the developments that have taken place. The section looks at the effectiveness of applying techniques and the different persons involved in the process. The IV pumps determine the feasibility of the application of the data and the strategies that should factor in making the process much more effective. Overall, the pumps are integral in the care of children and infants. Thus, the safety and success in the application of the instruments should be a point of emphasis in medical settings. The achievement of the goals and objectives of the project should go a long way in enabling the improvement of all processes involved in the use of IV pumps and mitigation of the issues that tend to arise. The focus should always be on the feasibility of the application of the different types of pumps that are available


Chen, J., Liu, K., Chan, F. Y., Xie, Z., Lam, P., Liu, Y. W., … & Ka-lun Or, C. (2019, November). Usability Testing for Smart IV Pumps Through Simulation-based Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 2209-2210). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1071181319631187

Giuliano, K. K. (2018). IV smart pumps and error-prone programming tasks: comparison of four devices. Biomedical instrumentation & technology, 52(s2), 17-27.


McIntyre, S., Wiesbrock, J., & Congenie, K. (2019). Use of Simulation to Optimize Outcomes in Critical Pediatric Transports.


Puntis, J. W., Hojsak, I., Ksiazyk, J., Braegger, C., Bronsky, J., Cai, W., … & Yan, W. (2018). ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines on pediatric parenteral nutrition: Organisational aspects. Clinical Nutrition, 37(6), 2392-2400.

Woolf, S. M., & Baum, C. R. (2017). Baclofen pumps: uses and complications. Pediatric emergency care, 33(4), 271-275.


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