Leadership week9

Module 09 Discussion – Disaster Planning for Your Unit

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Disaster Planning for Your Unit

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You are a nurse manager in charge of developing a disaster plan for your unit. As the manager, you will need to include the influential agencies, stakeholders, and the roles of the nurses in disasters.

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Identify the influential agencies and stakeholders you would include in your plan. Describe the roles of the nurses in disaster planning and actual disasters. How would you ensure the nurses on the unit understand their roles in the disaster plan?

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Respond to at least one of your peers. Expand on your peer’s ideas.


· “Expand on your peer’s ideas” needs more than 1 – 2 sentences for an acceptable reply.

· If you refer to a website or article, be sure to cite it in APA format. This prevents plagiarism and allows your fellow students to review the cites and increase the class knowledge base.

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Julia Rubin

2/17/22, 1:33 PM 


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Identify the influential agencies and stakeholders you would include in your plan.

Stakeholders can include clients, healthcare workers, employees, managers, investors, and government agencies. Stakeholders are the healthcare professionals who work at the clinical setting. The nurse knows that Primary stakeholders are the patient and their families. Working together facilitates better outcomes when all stakeholders, including the patient and caregiver, are involved in care processes and planning (Workman, 2021).

Describe the roles of the nurses in disaster planning and actual disasters.

The roles and functions for the emergency plans can include a hospital incident commander, medical command physician, triage officer, community relations or public information officer. The triage officer can be a nurse who is rapidly evaluating each patinets need for priority. The nurse will be ready to function in a disaster plan before during and after the disaster. During an actual disaster, the ED charge nurse, trauma program manager, and other ED and hospital nursing leadership personnel act in collaboration with the medical command physician and triage officer to organize nursing and ancillary services to meet patient needs (Workman, 2021). It is important that all interprofessional team members work together to provide advocacy for the patient while prioritizing each needs.

How would you ensure the nurses on the unit understand their roles in the disaster plan?

The nurse manager should overview and practice the disaster protocol prior to implementation to review with staff assigning roles and delegating tasks. The nurse should assess flow and readiness to implement this plan into place incase of disaster takes place. Educating staff and tweaking the plan to improve function may be needed. Overall, understanding the staff understand their assigned roles when a disaster does happen is very important to minimize potential communication errors.

Source Cited:

Workman, D.I.M. L. (2021). Medical-Surgical Nursing (10th Edition). Elsevier Health Sciences (US). 


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