Replies for peers. Need ONE Response Per Each Discussion Total 4 Responses. Attached Are The Discussions And Rubric Please Follow Them. Posts Will Be A Minimum Of 100 Words, APA Format.One Reference Per Each Discussion


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Anna Garcia

Behavioral economics have been found helpful when making healthcare decisions. As a result of their emotionality and cognitive peculiarities, individuals are unable to properly assess the benefits and risks of various decisions.

Behavioral economics is helpful as it integrates psychology and economics to examine why individuals make incorrect judgements and how and why their actions vary from what mainstream economists predict. They help most individuals make choices like whether to lead a healthy lifestyle, how much to spend on pensions, and so on at various time in their lives. It aims to understand why some people picks choice A over option B (Calderin, n.d).

Behavioral economists have several ideas that depend on psychology instead of standard economic concepts to understand people’s behavior. They belief that patients and doctors are “expectedly illogical” in their judgement call since they adhere to anticipated and obvious human defects is among them (Goroll & Mulley, 2012). Behavioral economists suggest that initiatives aiming at supporting individuals to adopt healthy habits, rewarding physicians to implement evidence-based guidelines, or providing better quality healthcare will achieve disappointing outcomes unless its irrationality is recognized.

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Behavioral economics has enabled individuals and families conserve money on energy, new workers start saving and investing from the first day, and relatively recently, health care professionals and patients modifying their habits. Independent decision is enhanced by integrating information from psychology, economy, and branding. In this case, reduced nudges are employed in behavioral economics to aid individuals make better choices and avoid unfavorable ones. Rather than mandating, the nudges give individuals some level of independence and influence. Humans make judgments which are not in their greatest advantage since they are emotionally and constantly distracted.



Calderin, C. Claudia Calderin Nursing informatics is known as the science that integrates information, co.

Goroll, A. H., & Mulley, A. G. (2012). Primary care medicine: office evaluation and management of the adult patient. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

 Taymir Torres

Behavioural economics is a broad field that studies how psychological and social factors influence an individual’s ability to make better decisions when dealing with healthcare outcomes. Economic decisions are made based on how a person perceives the decision’s economic impact. There is a significant difference between behavioural economics and traditional economics (Beerbaum & Puaschunder, 2019). Behavioural economics realizes that humans make irrational decisions based on present circumstances, emotional satisfaction, and social environment. For example, eating junk food may be preferred to a balanced diet because of its sweetness’s passionate attraction to junk food.

Ambiguity aversion is a behavioural economic principle that underscores the tendency of a human being to favour the known risk compared to the unknown dangers. Since people always focus on the risks they understand, having a clear understanding of how the negative behaviours such as physical inactivity and inability to eat junk food possess a known risk and since information on the lifestyle risk factors leading to diseases, understanding the risks enables me work towards avoiding the known risk (Vlaev et al., 2019). Healthcare experts can use the behavioural economics principle of ambiguity aversion to making known the risks of all behaviours. The people will work hard to avoid the risks factors known to them.

Family health is an important parameter that helps in improving happiness and quality of life. When I change behaviour to improve better health outcomes, I will share the risk factors with my family and influence them to change behaviour to avoid the risk of diseases and save the family money and time spent in hospitals courtesy of poor lifestyles. Henceforth, I will teach my family about the negative impacts of junk food, lack of physical exercise, and other unhealthy lifestyle and the overall adverse effects (Jenssen et al., 2019). When the family understand the risk factor associated with the negative behaviours, a behavioural change is a likely to be embraced and consequently better health achieved.


Beerbaum, D., & Puaschunder, J. M. (2019). A behavioural economics approach to digitalization: The case of a principles-based taxonomy. In Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities (pp. 107-122). IGI Global.

Jenssen, B. P., Buttenheim, A. M., & Fiks, A. G. (2019). Using behavioral economics to encourage parent behavior change: opportunities to improve clinical effectiveness. Academic pediatrics, 19(1), 4-10.

Vlaev, I., King, D., Darzi, A., & Dolan, P. (2019). Changing health behaviors using financial incentives: a review from behavioral economics. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-9.


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Yindra Burgos Farah

17 minutes


ago, at 6:46 PM



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Obesity and Overweight

In the article Childhood Obesity in Florida: A Narrative Review on Current Trends and Interventions, we are presented with numerous intervention strategies that Florida is putting in place to deal with rampant cases of childhood obesity. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main contributors to obesity among children and the measures that can be put in place to curb these issues. Childhood obesity has been a significant issue in Florida. Children who suffer from obesity and are overweight have great chances of being obese in their old age (Parliament et al., 2016). The group of interest, in this case, is children. The primary strategy being implemented is training children to eat healthy diets. This is by encouraging families to lead by example and teach their children the importance of eating healthily. Some programs have been formulated to help children learn about healthy eating in Florida. This means that children will not be at any risk of being obese. The strategies presented in the article are doable because it provides education on healthy eating from an early age. 

Annotated Bibliography

Strategies to prevent & manage obesity. (2021). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC, it is essential to know one BMI to prevent obesity. It is essential to keep track of BMI to ensure that they have the right weight. This article by CDC shows various ways in which obesity can be prevented. People must eat healthily and carry out frequent physical activities. This will ensure that they maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, this article is reliable as it offers excellent insight into preventing obesity. 

Chan, R. S., & Woo, J. (2010). Prevention of overweight and obesity: how effective is the current public health approach. International journal of environmental research and public health, 7(3), 765–783.

According to Chan and Woo, obesity has become a national pandemic, and many people stand to suffer from it. The article discusses the adverse effects of obesity and the best prevention strategies. Among them are healthy diets and physical activities. Therefore, the article gives excellent and extensive research data on obesity. 

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Taymir Torres

3 hours ago, at 4:30 PM

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National Diabetes Prevention Program Affecting Male adults in Florida.

Part 1:

An article by Cannon et al. (2022) aims to determine the effectiveness of the program set out by the centre for diseases control in the USA to stop the spread of diabetes. Since the disease is highly controlled by lifestyle, the awareness programs created are meant to address the 88 million older adults in the US who are at risk of contracting the disease. The relationship between awareness and health outcomes are given in the article.

The condition of interest in the article is the prevention of diabetes among the aged in the USA. When the elderly prone to the disease are trained on the risk factors, they are likely to be safe from the disease (Cannon et al., 2022). The group of interest is the older men in the country. The lifestyle they lead poses a higher threat compared to the other population. Handling diabetes among the aged is likely to improve health outcomes.

The primary strategy is to reach out to all the elderly population in the USA through a decentralized implementation strategy. While the planning is done at a central point at the centre for disease control, different teams are dispatched in every state to educate people on the risk factors and how to stop diabetes among the population (Cannon et al., 2022).The implementation procedure is left to the state facilities, which enroll people both physically and online domain who are then trained on the risk factors and how to overcome the health challenges they face. The enrollment is checked every three months to discover whether more people are being enrolled or not (Cannon et al., 2022). On the other hand, a monthly report is generated to show the progress, and when there is slower progress of the awareness, the team is empowered to achieve better results.

The article offers doable ideas for my project. I will divide my group into smaller units to enhance patient interaction to obtain a better health outcome.

Part 2:

Aldossari, K. K., Aldiab, A., Al-Zahrani, J. M., Al-Ghamdi, S. H., Abdelrazik, M., Batais, M. A., … & El-Metwally, A. (2018). Prevalence of prediabetes, diabetes, and associated risk factors among males in Saudi Arabia: a population-based survey. Journal of diabetes research, 2018.

The research is conducted to determine the prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes among the elderly male population above forty-five years. The risk factors associated with diabetes are related to lifestyle, and awareness is the antidote. Most older adults will understand the risk factors and overcome them through public awareness for quality health outcomes. The study underscores the importance of creating awareness of the risk factors. When the patients understand the importance of physical exercise and other positive life skills, they will likely experience better health outcomes.

Sinclair, A., Saeedi, P., Kaundal, A., Karuranga, S., Malanda, B., & Williams, R. (2020). Diabetes and global ageing among 65–99-year-old adults: Findings from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 162, 108078.

The research focuses on the prevalence of diabetes among the ageing population and focuses on the male adults between ages 65 and 99 in different regions. The research found that the number of diabetes patients is rising exponentially and may be unmanageable by 2045 if the trend is not reversed. Most of the risk factors associated with the disease are lifestyle choices like the type of diet, physical exercises and complex situations resulting from other illnesses. The study, therefore, proposes public awareness as the antidote to overcome the health challenge and consequently improve their quality of life.



Aldossari, K. K., Aldiab, A., Al-Zahrani, J. M., Al-Ghamdi, S. H., Abdelrazik, M., Batais, M. A., … & El-Metwally, A. (2018). Prevalence of prediabetes, diabetes, and associated risk factors among males in Saudi Arabia: a population-based survey. Journal of diabetes research, 2018.

Cannon, M. J., Ng, B. P., Lloyd, K., Reynolds, J., & Ely, E. K. (2022). Delivering the National Diabetes Prevention Program: Assessment of Enrollment in In-Person and Virtual Organizations. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2022.

Sinclair, A., Saeedi, P., Kaundal, A., Karuranga, S., Malanda, B., & Williams, R. (2020). Diabetes and global ageing among 65–99-year-old adults: Findings from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 162, 108078.
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