tittle on SC Johnson

Part 1 – Part 5 

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Company’s web site. Look for topics such as Our Brands/Our Products

Company web site: Look for topics such as Company History, About Us, Our Company

You may find this in the Annual Report in the Letter to Shareholders from the CEO and Chairman of the Board

Explain and analyze why the strategy is important to the present and future development of the company Or, look in the Executive Overview of the company’s 10K. Or, Look for sections in the 10-K or annual report that talk about the company’s strategies.
How will the strategy affect the corporation’s ability to be more profitable? Type “strateg” in the “Search” or “Find” box for the 10-K. It will bring you to different sections of the 10-K where they talk about strategies.

What are the benefits or disadvantages of pursuing the strategy?

, 79) or some other reference book for the definition. Use your own words to describe the difference between the two.





How will the issue affect your corporation? Will the issue have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the future profitability of your company?





1. Sales/Net Sales/Total Revenues

2. Operating Income (loss)/Net income (loss)

3. Earnings per share – diluted

0,000 – $340,000 = $220,000. $220,000/$340,000 = 65%



MUST be in your paper.


B Assumptions
B A 7 3
General Notes: All Sections are to be in ESSAY format. You should develop paragraphs that include the required information. You MUST have a worked-cited page using APA format. See info re MLA format on ARC web page or go to the ARC for handouts
You must have 2 direct quotes somewhere in your paper. A good place to find quotes is in the Chairman’s/CEO’s letter to the shareholders in the Annual Report. He will talk about the future of the company. Use this in Part VIII – Conclusion. He will also talk about the strategies the company used to grow/increase profits, etc. You can use this in Part III – Corporate strategies.
First order of business is to get on to the company’s website and find the 10K!!! Go to Yahoo Finance – Look up the company using their ticker symbol – click on the Profile title on the right hand of the screen, which will bring you to the company’s website. Look for following web pages: About Us, Investors, Investor Relations, SEC Filing.
TITLE PAGE Your title page should be in the format on the template. It should also include the company’s logo or mascot.
PART I – THE PURPOSE OF THE REPORT AND THE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE – This section should be at least 2 pages!
Thesis statement – Purpose of the Report In two to three well-constructed sentences state the purpose of your research. For example: Would you use this research to determine if the company is a viable employer or investment, etc. Then talk in general about how you are going to accomplish this.
How did you perform your search. This section should be a least 1 page. You need to be very detailed. Keep track of your research process so that you will be able to fully respond to the question. What library did you use? This section is all about your personal experience. Please answer all of the questions in essay format.
Who helped you?
What search engines did you use?
Which were helpful? Why were they helpful?
Which weren’t helpful? Why weren’t they helpful?
How did you use the information you gathered? Explain what sources you used and how/where they were used in
your project.
Include the following information Where is the company headquartered? Yahoo Finance under Company Profile
Describe history of company; Company web site: Look for topics such as Company History, About Us, Our Company
When was it founded?
Who were the founders?
What are some interesting facts about the firm?
What are the companies main products/product groups? Company’s web site. Look for topics such as Our Brands/Our Products
Does it have just one product line or are there various related or unrelated businesses?
Where do they conduct business?
Who is the current CEO and Chairman of the Board? Company’s web site: Look for topics such as Our Leaders, Our Officers and Directors
Who is the company’s auditor? Company’s Annual Report — Look to see who signed the Auditor’s Letter to Shareholders on the “Report of Independent CPA” in the 10K. Some Auditors’ names are Ernst & Young, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche
Strategy 1 Describe the most important strategies you think helped build the company’s business. You may find this in the Annual Report in the Letter to Shareholders from the CEO and Chairman of the Board
Explain and analyze why the strategy is important to the present and future development of the company Or, look in the Executive Overview of the company’s 10K. Or, Look for sections in the 10-K or annual report that talk about the company’s strategies.
How will the strategy affect the corporation’s ability to be more profitable? Type “strateg” in the “Search” or “Find” box for the 10-K. It will bring you to different sections of the 10-K where they talk about strategies.
What are the benefits or disadvantages of pursuing the strategy? Some examples of corporate strategies are: Mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, expanding globally, expanding the product line, etc.
Strategy 2 Describe another important strategies you think helped build the company’s business.
Summary Give your opinion/What do you think about the company’s strategies?
Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics. Then, in your own words, specifically identify the difference between the two. Use your textbook (Pg. 7

Give 1 example of how your company has acted in an ethical or socially responsible manner. If you cannot find any info on your company, make suggestions as to how your company can act in a socially responsible manner. Company Web Site: Look for topics such as Company Foundations, Community Investment, Social Responsibility, Philanthropy, The Company and the Environment, etc.
Describe the industry your corporation is associated with Go to the NAICS Association web site (see link in bookmarks on eCampus). Find the NAICS code for your company’s industry and get the description of the industry. Or, try these websites: http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/ http://www.siccode.us/
What is the industry sector? Yahoo Finance – Industry; NAICS
Who are the company’s major competitors? Yahoo Finance – Competitors
Issue 1 State the first issues that you think is important to the outlook for the industry. Type “risk” in the “Search” or “Find” box for the 10-K. It will bring you to different sections of the 10-K where they talk about risks to their business. Also, look at the “Challenges” section of the 10-K. Make sure you choose risks related to the industry, not specifically to the company.
How will the issue affect your corporation? Will the issue have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the future profitability of your company? Examples: Economy, terrorism, oil prices, bird flu, mad cow disease, union strikes, international politics, global warming and weather changes, crop damage due to bad weather Make assumptions as to whether or not you think these issues will have a major impact on the future of the company. Use these assumptions in Appendix B!!
Issue 2 State the second issues that you think is important to the outlook for the industry See above – Issue 1
Assumption statement should start out similar to this: For the purposes of this report, I have assumed that the economy will continue to improve over the next 3 to 5 years; and, therefore have a positive impact on the profitability of the industry.
What operation(s) are responsible for generating the most revenue for the company? Look at the 10K or Annual Report for “Reportable Segments” or “Operating Segments.” In the search box, type segmen to find this information. In the Find/Search box, type segmen and search until you find the data you need.
Create a pie chart showing the contribution for total revenue by reporting segment for the most current year.
Describe in your own words whether or not the company is profitable Your profitability analysis and graphs of the company — what does it show? Has it been profitable? If a company has a positive net income, they are profitable!
4 Do a trend analysis for the last 5-year period. Prepare a graph for each of the following financial numbers (insert the graphs into your portfolio paper):
1. Sales/Net Sales/Total Revenues
2. Operating Income (loss)/Net income (loss) Note: If a financial number is in parenthesis ( ), it means they lost money
3. Earnings per share – diluted
Interpret your graphs: Look for trends: Is the company’s numbers consistently going up, going down, are they erratic?
What does each graph show?
By what percentage has each of the financial numbers above changed as compared to 5 years ago? Calculation: Subtract Year 5 number from Year 1 number = difference. Then divide the Difference by Year 1 number. Example: $5

From your analysis, what might be some of the reasons given for the company making or losing money? This could relate back to the way they’ve implemented their strategies or their inability to overcome their risks and/or challenges. Again, try and give your opinion so you can use it in Appendix A. Review the notes to the financial statements in Item 6 of the 10K.
Based on quantitative information, provide a prediction of the company’s future. Is the company progressing well?
8 Perform a ratio analysis — How did your company’s profitability ratios compare to one of its major competitors? You must calculate Earnings Per Share, Return on Equity and Return on Sales. Draw a table to show this information and interpret the data. You MUST show your calculations. Get your competitor’s information from one of your classmates that has a company in the same industry.
Predict the future outlook of the corporation This is your opinion as to whether or not you think the company will be profitable in the future. Back it up with facts in your research. This can be used in the opinions section for Appendix A!
Summarize key facts that you have researched in order to support your opinion. Will the company continue to grow or sustain losses? This could relate back to whether or not you think their corporate strategies are working or being implemented properly. If you think there is a major challenge for the industry, will your company be able to overcome it.
What is management’s view of the future? You should be able to find this in the Annual Report in the Chairman’s and CEO’s letter to the shareholder or at Item #7 in the 10-K (Management’s discussion and analysis). This is a good place to find direct quotes for your project. This is also their opinion, which can be used in Appendix A.
How does this compare with the outlook for the industry?
Do you agree with management’s view of the future? Your opinion again. What do you think. This can also be used in the opinions section for Appendix A.
Make a statement related to your Thesis statement in Part I. Example: If you were doing this research to find out if the company would be a worthwhile investment, what conclusion did your research lead you to? Would you invest? Why or why not?
EXHIBIT A Copy your Profitability Ratio Analysis Calculations into Exhibit A
PART VIII – APPENDICES NOTE: The Facts, Opinions and

Facts and Opinions Prepare a table to show this information
Give 3 examples of facts that you used in your portfolio project Copy your facts from your project and indicate what page the fact can be found on. Facts can be taken from Part II. Examples: Name of the company auditor, name of CEO/Chairman, name of company founder, where its headquarters are located, etc.
Give 3 examples of opinions that were used in your portfolio project Copy your opinions from your project and indicate what page the opinion can be found on. Opinions can be taken from Part III and Part VII. Examples: What were the 2 strategies you thought were important for the success of the company (Part III), did you agree or disagree with the CEO’s future outlook of the company, and what was your opinion as to whether or not you think the company will be profitable in the future. (Part VII).
List 3 assumptions you needed to make in order to form your conclusion about the corporation’s future outlook Example: Although mad cow disease may be a threat for the industry, I have assumed that it will not have a material effect on the future profitability of the company. Reminder — The statements you use here must be somewhere in your paper. Copy your assumptions from your project and indicate what page the assumptions can be found on. The information you used in the “Industry” section Part 5 of this checklist can be used here.
Direct Quotes Copy 2 direct quotes from your project and indicate what page the quote can be found on.

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