Strategic Planning Worksheet

Strategic Planning Worksheet

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University of Phoenix Material

Strategic Planning Worksheet

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Research and select a criminal justice organization in your community (Government agency such as
police department, prison, detention center, etc.) in relation to outlining a strategic planning process.
Make sure you are able to access information about the organization for all the required parts of the

Complete the following table to detail the initial steps in the strategic planning process for the selected
criminal justice organization and correlating public safety issues.

Include in-text citations as appropriate and remember to identify the reference information at the bottom
of the worksheet.


Identify your selected
criminal justice

(Government agency
such as police
department, prison,
detention center, etc.)

Identify the
organization’s vision,
mission, and goals.

Assess the public
safety issues in your
selected criminal justice
organization as they
correlate with the
agency’s mission,
vision, and goals.

(What are the
challenges the
organization faces?
High crime, drugs,
gangs, police
misconduct, manpower,

Identify at least three
relevant stakeholders
and their roles as
related to the public
safety issues identified

[Minimum 75 words using complete sentences]

Strategic Planning Worksheet



(Stakeholders can be
internal or external to
the organization, and
can include government,
non-government, and
private entities.)

Identify and discuss
strategies for scanning
and assessing to
understand the public
safety issues.

Identify what data and
resources are needed to
address the

[Minimum 75 words using complete sentences]

Explain how you would
prioritize the public
safety issues and the
correlation of the issues
to the organization’s
vision, mission, and

[Minimum 75 words using complete sentences]



Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to
strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley & Sons.

More, H., Vito, G., & Walsh, W. (2012). Organizational behavior and management in law enforcement
(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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