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The final exam (a-bration!) is a timed, three-paragraph essay exam.

Note: This exam is open-note, open-book, open-lesson so that you may remind yourself of key terms and concepts. However, please do not cite or paraphrase source material (textbook, lesson, outside articles, nor any source/research). This exam must be composed entirely by you, in your voice, using your own powers of persuasion.

Scenario: You are presenting your end-of-class celebration plans to a jury whose sole purpose is to approve or reject end-of-class celebration plans. This jury has decided many such cases, so it is your job to make your case compelling, engaging, exciting, unique, and argumentatively sound.

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Toward that goal, and in three fully-developed paragraphs, please address the prompt questions .

A special note: While you should employ pre-writing, planning, and drafting techniques, please use a separate document or notebook for those pre-writing, planning, and stages. The final draft of your 3 exam paragraphs should be the only items you submit.

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