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1. Search the internet for Clinical Decision Support tools 

Select one to share with the class. Give a brief synopsis of what the tool is about, its function, the target users and benefits .

Share the URL for the tool so others can access it. 

2. Minimum of 1-page single-spaced or 2 pages double spaced

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Organized your analysis using the categories:

· Identifies the corporate strategy

· Key assumptions

· Evidence of strategy

· Conclusions, implications, and consequences

· Grammar Structure and Citations

Case 1

Creating an Integrated Environment for Improved Data Access

The opening of St. Stephen’s digital facility provided an opportunity for care redesign in multiple areas. The focus of the digital hospital went beyond the EMR and included a scalable platform to meet the need for device connectivity. St. Stephen’s set out to decrease infection rates, improve the utilization of early warning scores and sepsis algorithms, enhance the efficiency of image documentation for the management of pressure injuries, and to provide access to a patient engagement solution. The interoperability between the EMR and the device middleware at St. Stephen’s led to improved patient outcomes as the result of seamless communication between the EHR, medical devices and care team communications.

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