
a thesis about religious identity as it relates to economic status and/or education in the United States that you draw from those tables, that you support with the information therein, and that you relate to one or more of our theorists.  Does the relationship between economic status/education and religious identity in the U.S. look like something Weber or Marx would predict?  Does it disprove Durkheim’s theory in some way? You will need to cite the table and your sources from which you are drawing your supporting information. 

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Field Paper #1 – Sociology

Social Scientific Approaches to Religion

Spring 2022

Sociologists often use statistical data to analyze and make arguments about facets of society and its institutions. Your job in this paper is to become a sociologist for a bit, and to try your hand at interpreting statistical tables with the goal of creating and defending an argument about religious identity in the United States based on those tables.

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What you need to do:

Select Tables from the Pew Religious Landscape Study are posted in the first module of Canvas (see the folder for Field Paper #1). Find those tables, and then spend some time analyzing them. Your task after that is to write a 3-5 page paper with a thesis about religious identity as it relates to economic status and/or education in the United States that you draw from those tables, that you support with the information therein, and that you relate to one or more of our theorists. Does the relationship between economic status/education and religious identity in the U.S. look like something Weber or Marx would predict? Does it disprove Durkheim’s theory in some way? Good papers will clearly state this thesis, clearly support it with the data, and also comment on the strengths and limits of this kind of analysis. (HINT: there is a lot of data in the Pew subset. You will do better picking 3-4 tables that are interesting and relevant).

Technical Details:

You will need to cite the table and your sources from which you are drawing your supporting information. You may use whichever citation format with which you are most comfortable, and with which you have the most facility, so long as it is clear. You do not need a works cited page as we are all drawing from the same set. Please do keep the paper between 3 and 5 pages, double spaced, using 12-point font and standard margins.

Due: February 28th before the beginning of class on Canvas. As always, Noemi and Dr. DeTemple will read as many drafts as you can get them up until 9 pm March 27th.

Late papers will be penalized 5 points per 24 hours.

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