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Question: If diversity is so very important within the workplace, why does it seem that they only focus on one group of people?

How: it is very clear to understand why diversity was needed to be introduced into the workplace, however, in such places like the plants, they seem to only hire one group of people, for higher positions

Research question: diversity is needed to balance out of workplace, but what happens when diversity is not being implemented correctly?

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(You can change the research question around to make it more appropriate, this is just a layout)

Literature Reference:

My literature review:


DEI abbreviations stand for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; therefore, the term DEI is mainly used as an initiative that aims to maintain and improve diversity, inclusion, and equity in a workplace. In an organization, DEI initiatives refer to a conceptual tool used to promote the workplace’s full participation and fair treatment of all stakeholders. Diversity in the context of DEI refers to an individual’s involvement with several backgrounds and different identities. Diversity initiative comprises ways people’s identities in a workplace, such as age, sexuality, religion, race, and ethnicity, can be different. Equity initiative refers to equitable treatment and conditions within a workplace which enable people to participate and engage equally.

Language and Cultural Diversity as Elements of Diversity

All elements of diversity in a workforce have different impacts on an organization’s progress. Therefore, it is upon organizational management to ensure they attained positive results from the involved diversity. Language as an element of diversity in business activities refers to a tool of expression that expresses the entire stakeholder’s culture by communicating people’s beliefs, values, customs and fostering feelings of group solidarity and identity. Notably, language as an element of diversity is an inseparable culture section. Language diversity in a workplace encrypts society’s values and norms besides playing a critical role in celebrating and preserving cultural diversity (Jonasson, Lauring & Guttormsen, 2018 np). Language is a window into its respective culture, reasoning, and social living. Therefore, many organization experiences universal cognizance of the fact that language diversity contributes to organizational success through ensuring intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity.

Cultural Diversity

In a workplace, cultural diversity is considered and defined as underlying values that direct people’s behavior within an organization. Remarkably, cultural diversity occurs in a workplace due to employees’ traditions, practices, beliefs, and values based on gender, race, age, religion, and ethnicity. Currently, economic globalization in the workforce has emerged as one of the considerable cultural diversity’s driving forces; the above effort has exposed employers to the fact that diversity provides intangible and material benefits in an organization. Therefore, for employers to reap cultural diversity benefits in a workplace must use language tools to communicate their effort and commitment in addressing some of the possible challenges experienced in a diverse workforce. In the modern business environment, some issues associated with cultural diversity has emerged as threats in the various workplace. For instance, many organizations that have emerged due to the positivity of cultural diversity have experienced challenges on how to facilitate people belonging to different groups to work cohesively. Relating to cultural diversity, the following are some of the key issues that should be addressed in a workplace; the first vital issue is a conflict that occurs as a result of prejudice, racism, discrimination, and lack of respect is practiced in the workplace (Chau et al. 2021 pp 31). Secondly, harassment and disregarding needs, which occur following the company’s ignorance on the needs of disabled employees when not well addressed, obstructs the realization of organizational goals, are other essential issues to consider.

Benefits of Cultural Diversity

Application of cultural diversity in a workplace is associated with benefits that an organization enjoys from the applied cultural diversity; the following are some of the benefits of cultural diversity.

1. Perspectives Inspiration of Creativity and Drive Innovation

The way people perceive their culture can influence the real world. A viewpoint’s variety besides wide-ranging personal and professional experience can result in a perspective that can inspire employees to consider the workplace and world differently. Therefore, diversity of thoughts breeds creativity and drives innovation to ensure customers’ needs are met. Additionally, creating a platform that enhances the exchange of business ideas reaps more benefits of cultural diversity in a workplace (Clark, 2020 pp 2). Notably, in an organization, the appropriate way of ensuring the development of innovative ideas is via an inclusive and diverse workforce.



Knowledge and Insight of Local Market Makes a Company Competitive and Profitable

Applying a multi-cultural workforce in a business company provides a significant edge and expansion into a new market. Understanding the competitive landscape, laws, customs, and regulations allows an organization to thrive, local links and cultural understanding boost international workforce development. Therefore, emerging more competitive in the field ultimately means being profitable. According to research from McKinsey research findings, diversity is explained as good for the bottom line of a business, and ethnically varied companies are 35% likely to receive financial returns compared to the nationwide median industry (Clark, 2020 pp 3)

3.  Cultural Sensitivity Makes Local Knowledge and Insight of Higher Quality to Meet Needs of Targeted Market

Understanding cultural diversity and local market skills subject a company to a more effective marketing strategy. Therefore, knowledge of a certain market and insight becomes invaluable in terms of imagery and design, resulting in a sensitivity of high-quality skills that enable a company to enter successfully in the targeted market.

4. Cultural Diversity enables Company to Attract and Retain the Best Talent

Today, two-thirds of job hunters miss opportunities because of not conversing with cultural diversity, which is essential for evaluating job offers and companies. In the modern competitive international job market, demonstrating an organization is invested through nurturing an inclusive and multi-cultural environment enables the institution to emerge successfully. Significantly, making diversity a critical part of the enlisting process broadens perspective workers’ talent (Marcelin et al. 2019 pp 65). Workers in a diverse workplace remain loyal and feel valued for their effort, which fosters joint respect among workers.

5. Cultural Diversity offers a Wide Range of Goods and Services

Drawing aptitude pool from cultural diversity enables an organization to benefit from hiring experienced professionals, hence maintaining the growth of an institution. A broader and diverse skill offers goods and services which enable a business to emerge competitive in the market because of having competitive merits of adaptability (Clark, 2020 pp 4). Notably, a firm with cognitive and cultural diversity is faster to spot a market niche and have insight and experience, making a company flexible to meet varying consumer behavior.

6.  Opportunity for Personal and Professional Growth

Culturally and inclusively, the diverse company attracts internationally minded and brilliant professionals who appreciate available opportunities useful in personal and professional business growth. Working across cultures enables an organization to enrich experience from around the globe (Hardy & Nortje, 2020 pp 1). Bonding differences and similarities help an organization become global and more diverse besides exposing workers to new approaches and skills to develop an international network that makes their career broad and capable of achieving professional and personal growth.

DEI Initiatives that may Reduce Language and Cultural Barriers in the workplace

Following today’s state of competition in the market, business leaders have noted the importance of creating DEI programs to drive business activities towards achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. When an organization wants workers to have a sense of belonging, embracing DEI initiatives can positively impact their work engagement and satisfaction. Significantly, following the above work engagement and satisfaction, the company expects increased productivity and employee retention (Carey, 2020 np). Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives play a critical role in reducing language and cultural barriers in a workplace; the following are various approaches the above initiatives use in reducing impacts of cultural and language barriers.

1. Language Barrier in a Workplace

The inclusive initiative reduces language barriers by combating all noted barriers with language training. For instance, in a situation whereby a workplace has a large number of France, the above initiative recommends for the workers to have introductory French language training; the above provides workers with a good understanding of where the French workers come from hence reducing the impacts of a language barrier in the workplace. Secondly, inclusive initiative reduces challenges of a language barrier in a workplace by encouraging employees to explore other cultures to become conversant with many languages in the market. Language being an intrinsic section of culture, encouraging workers to explore other cultures helps reduce the language barrier. Thirdly, equity initiative through discussing cultural differences in a workplace reduces language barrier problems. In a workplace, the above initiative significantly educates workers on cultural differences to reduce the language barrier (Bethune 2020 np).

2. Cultural Barriers in the Workplace

The challenge of cultural barriers in a workplace is highly reduced by applying equity initiative since each culture has its unique norms and members of the same community have mutual understandings; the cultural barrier occurs when employees of diverse cultures interact in the workplace. Therefore, equity initiative through enhancing workers’ interaction solves the cultural obstacles in the workplace by establishing common standards for all workers in an organization. Secondly, equity reduces cultural barriers’ challenges by creating an organizational culture common to all workers in a workplace; therefore, for all employees belonging to the same organizational culture, some barriers associated with cultural diversity may not be experienced in an organization (Yilmaz et al. 2017 pp 154).




Bethune, A., McCambly, H., Rodgers, A. J., & Villanosa, K. (2020). Insights on (In) Equity Initiatives in the Context of Discourse, Organizations, and Identity.

Carey, H. (2020). Anti-Oppression Mindsets for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives.

Chau, P., Fitzgerald, B., Sarker, S., Carte, T., Kohli, R, Fitzpatrick, L., & Nelson, M. (2021). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives across all Community. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 49(1), 31

Clark, H. H. (2020). Common ground Aspect of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives. The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology, 1-5.

Hardy, N., & Nortje, N. (2020). Facilitated Conversation: A Useful Tool in Business Activities. Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique, 3(1).

Jonasson, C., Lauring, J., &Guttormsen, D. S. (2018). Inclusive Management in DEI Initiatives: How does it affect language barriers and cultural differences in a workplace? Personnel Review.

Marcelin, J. R., Siraj, D. S., Victor, R., Kotadia, S., & Maldonado, Y. A. (2019). The impact of Unconscious Bias in the Workforce. The Journal of infectious diseases, 220(Supplement_2), S62-S73.

Yilmaz, M., Toksoy, S., Direk, Z. D., Bezirgan, S., &Boylu, M. (2017). Cultural sensitivity among organizational workforce: A descriptive study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(2), 153-161.

(Language and Cultural Diversity as Elements of Diversity

You don’t need the sub-heading of cultural diversity – just start another paragraph.

It looks like two articles were used, it would be stronger with at least three.

Right now the body is at 372 words … expand that closer to 500

Benefits of Cultural Diversity

Please do not number the sections.  Consider the topic breakdown that you’d like to address and then write a strong paragraph or two on each. For example, instead of the first numbered item, use that concept in your opening sentence for the paragraph. 

The ideas and concepts are there – awesome – now bring them together into a cohesive presentation.

DEI Initiatives that may Reduce Language and Cultural Barriers in the workplace

Again – don’t number – just start a paragraph with a topic sentence.

Right now the body is at 381 words … expand that closer to 500)

Analysis Reference Example:


Employees are becoming digital nomads, traversing worldwide, interacting with different cultures, and learning new languages. Covid Pandemic increased the uptake of remote working. Remote working has dramatically influenced the uptake of diversity in workplaces. Employees worldwide now have an equal opportunity to work for any multinational company/organization. The different pool of skills, abilities, strengths, and experiences has led to increased innovations and profits in companies. Managing diversity at the work levels is key to the success or failure of multi-cultural organizations. Preventing tension and misunderstandings among culturally diverse employees prioritizes their performance. ​​Therefore, this research focuses on managing diversity in the workplace.


Diversity in the workplace is where an organization hires talent from different cultural backgrounds. Talent is used to refer to an employee. Diversity also applies to elements that make up an individual, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, language, and education (Hung, 2021). 

Diversity in the workplace is not only about hiring multicultural workers or meeting the equity brackets on gender balance; it also applies in its inclusion. The first step for an organization to achieve diversity is attracting employees from diverse backgrounds. The next important step is to create conditions that ensure that the particular talent succeeds and integrates easily with the corporate culture. Additionally, the employee should feel included in the organization.

Language is how people express themselves and pass a message. In most organizations, English is used as means of communication. The translation may be lost for those who are not native speakers and use it as a second or third language. For instance, the KFC in China had a poor translation of the KFC tagline from “Finger licking good” to “so tasty, you will eat your fingers off”. For effective communication having bilingual or multilingual employees offers numerous benefits and creates trust within the organization and its external partners. For example, in an organization carrying out business with a French client, switching from English to French while conversing ensures that the majority understands the message (Kim et al., 2018).

Culture refers to ideas, customs, and social behaviors that a particular group of people has agreed or perceived as a way of life. Cultural diversity occurs in two ways; first, international organizations with offices in different geographic locations with distinct cultures. Secondly, when organizations employ talent from other ethnic groups or races. Having one goal, mission, and vision and ensuring it is well communicated drives everyone in one direction. A common goal helps you identify the workforce’s differences and use them as strengths (Hung, 2021).

Having a culturally diverse workforce inspires creativity and drives innovation. During brainstorming sessions, employees share ideas from their unique and rich experiences and backgrounds, giving rise to innovative concepts on improving a particular product or service. Additionally, due to increased employee inclusion, employees can pioneer new ideas and new products that increase the revenue turnover of the business. Organizations can also tap into new markets that they previously did not have access to.

Moreover, recruitment of new employees is simplified since engaging in diversity opens doors to a wide pool of potential talent to choose from. This includes the minority workforce, including females who bring a unique perspective to the business. The rise in skills in minority groups enables them to offer their skills at a global level. Organizations embracing diversity are recognized and get a good reputation. This increases their chances of attracting talent and retaining them over long periods. For example, Accenture PLC is recognized among the top companies embracing diversity due to the inclusion of minority groups, especially females. 

However, embracing diversity is easy, but organizations have to put more effort into effective diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to reap benefits from it. Employees from diverse backgrounds, especially the minority group, need to feel accepted, included, and different at the same time to ensure quality and high performance. For example, when Google started initiatives to employ females, an internal memo that leaked to the public from a male executive diminishing a female new recruit called on Google to take action. Google fired the executive and released a public apology on the issue (Tran, 2021).

Additionally, due to the different cultural practices, some employees, especially those in junior roles, may be less likely to voice their ideas or take part in discussions that involve seniors. This is challenging especially for employees from polite cultures. For example in Japan, while an employee from European countries is more likely to speak up and negotiate. Organization should put in place initiatives that support such employees to adapt to the new culture ((Li (李永), 2020).

Recommendations for Implementation

One recommendation to counteract the diversity issues is that organizations should embrace diversity training. Diversity training can also be called sensitivity training. This train focuses on educating employees on cultural differences that exist in the organization and how to better appreciate one another. Using the shared mission and vision across the organization the employees are shown and directed on how to behave and communicate in corporate culture. Some topics that are covered in diversity training include communication skills, etiquette, mentorship, and teamwork (Rawski & Conroy, 2020).

To effectively reap the benefits of diversity training the organization can implement open policy offices where the junior employees can approach any senior or management employees without having to follow a hierarchical structure. The junior can report on any issues they deem fit such as how they are being treated, sexual harassment especially for the females, and bullying cases from other senior employees. Additionally, new members should be assigned mentors once they join the organization to enable them to navigate the corporate environment easily and make the most out of it. New members now understand what the organization stands for.

Minimizing Roadblocks

Roadblocks to anticipate during the implementation of a diverse workforce are stereotyping, ingrained and unconscious cultural biases, and prejudice. Fostering integration between teams and ensuring teams work together improves teams’ productivity and facilitates knowledge transfer. Negative Stereotyping or existing prejudice between ethnicities can be pernicious to employees’ productivity. Office outdoor activities are another way of integrating employees to learn about each other in an informal setting, gaining trust, and improving teamwork. Moreover, organizations can plan Feeder recruitment graduate programs to ensure that employees decide to come on board as fulltime employees with an understanding of how the company works (Brewster & Nowak, 2020).

In conclusion, diversity is like inviting one to a party; while this is gracious enough, ensuring that the invitee dances at the party and has a good time is the real deal. A diverse and inclusive workforce yields numerous benefits for an organization. Access to a skilled workforce, increase in productivity, and high revenue turnover. Initially, diversity may bring challenges, but with a skilled and committed leadership, diversity and inclusion are possible.


Brewster, Z. W., & Nowak, G. R. (2020). Racialized Workplaces, Contemporary Racial Attitudes, and Stereotype Endorsement: A Recipe for Consumer Racial Profiling. Sociological Perspectives, 64(3), 343–364. (Links to an external site.)

Hung, C. (2021, August 12). Managing Diversity In The Workplace: Age, Language And Culture. Forbes. (Links to an external site.)

Kim, R., Roberson, L., Russo, M., & Briganti, P. (2018). Language Diversity, Nonnative Accents, and Their Consequences at the Workplace: Recommendations for Individuals, Teams, and Organizations. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 55(1), 73–95. (Links to an external site.)

Li (李永), Y. (2020). Institutional Discrimination and Workplace Racism. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 16(2), 267–301. (Links to an external site.)

Rawski, S. L., & Conroy, S. A. (2020). Beyond demographic identities and motivation to learn: The effect of organizational identification on diversity training outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(5), 461–478. (Links to an external site.)

Tran, B. (2021). (LGBT) Diversity and Equality in the Workplace: Playing with Fire. Academia Letters.

Synthesis Reference

Employees are becoming digital nomads, traversing worldwide, interacting with different cultures, and learning new languages. Covid Pandemic increased the uptake of remote working. Remote working has dramatically influenced the uptake of diversity in workplaces. Employees worldwide now have an equal opportunity to work for any multinational company/organization. The different pool of skills, abilities, strengths, and experiences has led to increased innovations and profits in companies. Managing diversity at the work levels is key to the success or failure of multi-cultural organizations. Preventing tension and misunderstandings among culturally diverse employees prioritizes their performance. ​​Therefore, this research focuses on managing diversity in the workplace.
Diversity in the workplace is where an organization hires talent from different cultural backgrounds. Talent is used to refer to an employee. Diversity also applies to elements that make up an individual, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, language, and education (Hung, 2021). 
Diversity in the workplace is not only about hiring multicultural workers or meeting the equity brackets on gender balance; it also applies in its inclusion. The first step for an organization to achieve diversity is attracting employees from diverse backgrounds. The next important step is to create conditions that ensure that the particular talent succeeds and integrates easily with the corporate culture. Additionally, the employee should feel included in the organization.
Language is how people express themselves and pass a message. In most organizations, English is used as means of communication. The translation may be lost for those who are not native speakers and use it as a second or third language. For instance, the KFC in China had a poor translation of the KFC tagline from “Finger licking good” to “so tasty, you will eat your fingers off”. For effective communication having bilingual or multilingual employees offers numerous benefits and creates trust within the organization and its external partners. For example, in an organization carrying out business with a French client, switching from English to French while conversing ensures that the majority understands the message (Kim et al., 2018).
Culture refers to ideas, customs, and social behaviors that a particular group of people has agreed or perceived as a way of life. Cultural diversity occurs in two ways; first, international organizations with offices in different geographic locations with distinct cultures. Secondly, when organizations employ talent from other ethnic groups or races. Having one goal, mission, and vision and ensuring it is well communicated drives everyone in one direction. A common goal helps you identify the workforce’s differences and use them as strengths (Hung, 2021).
Having a culturally diverse workforce inspires creativity and drives innovation. During brainstorming sessions, employees share ideas from their unique and rich experiences and backgrounds, giving rise to innovative concepts on improving a particular product or service. Additionally, due to increased employee inclusion, employees can pioneer new ideas and new products that increase the revenue turnover of the business. Organizations can also tap into new markets that they previously did not have access to.
Moreover, recruitment of new employees is simplified since engaging in diversity opens doors to a wide pool of potential talent to choose from. This includes the minority workforce, including females who bring a unique perspective to the business. The rise in skills in minority groups enables them to offer their skills at a global level. Organizations embracing diversity are recognized and get a good reputation. This increases their chances of attracting talent and retaining them over long periods. For example, Accenture PLC is recognized among the top companies embracing diversity due to the inclusion of minority groups, especially females. 
However, embracing diversity is easy, but organizations have to put more effort into effective diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to reap benefits from it. Employees from diverse backgrounds, especially the minority group, need to feel accepted, included, and different at the same time to ensure quality and high performance. For example, when Google started initiatives to employ females, an internal memo that leaked to the public from a male executive diminishing a female new recruit called on Google to take action. Google fired the executive and released a public apology on the issue (Tran, 2021).
Additionally, due to the different cultural practices, some employees, especially those in junior roles, may be less likely to voice their ideas or take part in discussions that involve seniors. This is challenging especially for employees from polite cultures. For example in Japan, while an employee from European countries is more likely to speak up and negotiate. Organization should put in place initiatives that support such employees to adapt to the new culture ((Li (李永), 2020).
Recommendations for Implementation
One recommendation to counteract the diversity issues is that organizations should embrace diversity training. Diversity training can also be called sensitivity training. This train focuses on educating employees on cultural differences that exist in the organization and how to better appreciate one another. Using the shared mission and vision across the organization the employees are shown and directed on how to behave and communicate in corporate culture. Some topics that are covered in diversity training include communication skills, etiquette, mentorship, and teamwork (Rawski & Conroy, 2020).
To effectively reap the benefits of diversity training the organization can implement open policy offices where the junior employees can approach any senior or management employees without having to follow a hierarchical structure. The junior can report on any issues they deem fit such as how they are being treated, sexual harassment especially for the females, and bullying cases from other senior employees. Additionally, new members should be assigned mentors once they join the organization to enable them to navigate the corporate environment easily and make the most out of it. New members now understand what the organization stands for.
Minimizing Roadblocks
Roadblocks to anticipate during the implementation of a diverse workforce are stereotyping, ingrained and unconscious cultural biases, and prejudice. Fostering integration between teams and ensuring teams work together improves teams’ productivity and facilitates knowledge transfer. Negative Stereotyping or existing prejudice between ethnicities can be pernicious to employees’ productivity. Office outdoor activities are another way of integrating employees to learn about each other in an informal setting, gaining trust, and improving teamwork. Moreover, organizations can plan Feeder recruitment graduate programs to ensure that employees decide to come on board as fulltime employees with an understanding of how the company works (Brewster & Nowak, 2020).
In conclusion, diversity is like inviting one to a party; while this is gracious enough, ensuring that the invitee dances at the party and has a good time is the real deal. A diverse and inclusive workforce yields numerous benefits for an organization. Access to a skilled workforce, increase in productivity, and high revenue turnover. Initially, diversity may bring challenges, but with a skilled and committed leadership, diversity and inclusion are possible.
Brewster, Z. W., & Nowak, G. R. (2020). Racialized Workplaces, Contemporary Racial Attitudes, and Stereotype Endorsement: A Recipe for Consumer Racial Profiling. Sociological Perspectives, 64(3), 343–364. (Links to an external site.)

Hung, C. (2021, August 12). Managing Diversity In The Workplace: Age, Language And Culture. Forbes. (Links to an external site.)

Kim, R., Roberson, L., Russo, M., & Briganti, P. (2018). Language Diversity, Nonnative Accents, and Their Consequences at the Workplace: Recommendations for Individuals, Teams, and Organizations. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 55(1), 73–95. (Links to an external site.)

Li (李永), Y. (2020). Institutional Discrimination and Workplace Racism. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 16(2), 267–301. (Links to an external site.)

Rawski, S. L., & Conroy, S. A. (2020). Beyond demographic identities and motivation to learn: The effect of organizational identification on diversity training outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(5), 461–478. (Links to an external site.)

Tran, B. (2021). (LGBT) Diversity and Equality in the Workplace: Playing with Fire. Academia Letters.

(Recommendation – great ideas and good detail. I do believe it could be more action-oriented with true steps to accomplish the goals. The lit review explained and the analysis looked at options – now you want to commit to a path of action.

Implementation – more detail on how this can truly be accomplished would make it stronger. Target 500 words.

Minimizing roadblocks – there will be an actual Conclusion, thus, save the final paragraph for that.  That leaves just over 100 words and you want to really work to discuss ideas of what might be an issue with implementation and what you have planned to overcome it. )

I need the introduction by Saturday, and the conclusion by Sunday, and the paper completed by Monday

BUS6150 Graduate Research Paper Overview

The Complete GRP is due Day 1 (Monday) of Module Eight.

The purpose of this Graduate Research Project (GRP) is to have students compare, contrast, evaluate, synthesize, and apply theoretical concepts covered in this course to practical cases. The GRP comprises 27% of the overall grade for this course. Select one of the options (Change, Culture, or Diversity) detailed below.

Option #1 – Change:


The student is to write a comprehensive research paper analyzing the impact of change in the workplace. The analysis should include the impact on both the organization and the employees, and consider multiple elements of the impact i.e., social, competitive, economic, political, financial, etc. Multiple organizational viewpoints from your current workplace should be considered: front-line, mid-management, senior management, customer, shareholders. The student should provide business examples to clarify and support their arguments. This paper should be balanced, based on sound business principles, and be supported by reliable research.

· Introduction: Include a depiction of the context and scope of the situation associated with a “Change” within your workplace. Examples might include a wide-sweeping policy change, process change, leadership change etc. Include the research question to be addressed in the paper.

· Literature Review: Review of literature associated with change management and leadership theories that are most closely aligned with your research question.

· Analysis: Analysis of the current situation and change management approach that is grounded in research, literature, and theory. In this portion, you will apply what you learned from the Literature Review to the context of your research question.

· Synthesis/Integration: Identify alternative approaches to successfully implementing the change that is justified and grounded in research, literature, and theory. Provide a recommendation and discuss implementation.

· Conclusion: Prepare a compelling conclusion that not only summarizes but also compels your reader to take action. Demonstrate that the research question has been answered.

Option #2 – Corporate Culture: 

The student is to write a comprehensive research paper analyzing corporate culture and its impact on their current workplace. The analysis should include the impact on both the organization and the employees, and consider multiple elements of the impact i.e., social, competitive, economic, political, financial, etc. Multiple organizational viewpoints from your current workplace should be considered: front-line, mid-management, senior management, customer, shareholders. The student should provide business examples to clarify and support their arguments. This paper should be balanced, based on sound business principles, and be supported by reliable research.

· Introduction: Include a depiction of the context and scope of the “Corporate Culture” within your current workplace. Examples might include the type of culture, acceptance or presence of the culture, apparent appropriateness of the culture as related to the strategic goals, etc. Include the research question to be addressed in the paper.

· Literature Review: Review of literature associated with corporate culture and relevant organizational management theories that are most closely aligned with your research question.

· Analysis: Analysis of the current corporate culture that is grounded in research, literature, and theory. In this portion, you will apply what you learned from the Literature Review to the context of your research question.

· Synthesis/Integration: Discuss the position of changing or maintaining the corporate culture with justification grounded in research, literature, and theory. Provide a recommendation and discuss implementation.

· Conclusion: Prepare a compelling conclusion that not only summarizes but also compels your reader to take action. Demonstrate that the research question has been answered.

Option #


– Diversity:

The student is to write a comprehensive research paper analyzing the impact of diversity in the workplace. The student may approach the topic of general diversity or may focus on diversity as it relates to one of the following: age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability. The analysis should include the impact on both the organization and the employees, and consider multiple elements of the impact i.e., social, competitive, economic, political, financial, etc. Multiple organizational viewpoints should be considered: front-line, mid-management, senior management, customer, shareholders. The student should provide business examples to clarify and support their arguments. This paper should be balanced, based on sound business principles, and be supported by reliable research.

· Introduction: Include a depiction of the context and scope of the level of diversity within your current workplace. Examples might include elements of diversity, issues with diversity, benefits of diversity, etc. Include the research question to be addressed in the paper.

· Literature Review: Review of literature associated with diversity, the changing workforce, and organizational strategies designed to benefit from diversity that are most closely aligned with your research question.

· Analysis: Analysis of the current impact of diversity in the workplace that is grounded in research, literature, and theory. In this portion, you will apply what you learned from the Literature Review to the context of your research question.

· Synthesis/Integration: Discuss the options to further develop levels of diversity within the workplace with a focus on the benefits and with justification grounded in research, literature, and theory. Provide a recommendation and discuss implementation.

· Conclusion: Prepare a compelling conclusion that not only summarizes but also compels your reader to take action. Demonstrate that the research question has been answered.

Format the paper using correct APA 7th edition guidelines and review to ensure the paper is free of grammar and punctuation errors.

The paper should be at least 10 – 20 pages in length, not including title page, reference pages or appendix.

At least 15 current and reliable sources are required with at least 8 of those being peer-reviewed/scholarly sources.

The GRP should be submitted using the Submit Assignment button by Day 1 (Monday) of Module 8.

The paper will be evaluated using the rubric shown below.





In addition to the satisfactory and accomplished criteria, the student effectively transitions into the body of the paper and models introductions consistently found in scholarly and professional literature.



In addition to addressing the three primary components of an introduction, the student captures the reader by including a forecast that is compelling, clear, and convinces the reader to read on.



The student addresses all three of the three primary components of an introduction: a) context, b) thesis statement, and c) importance of main idea.


Approaches Satisfactory

The student addresses one or two of the primary components of an introduction: a) context, b) thesis statement, and c) importance of main idea.


Below Expectations

The student does not address any of the three primary components of an introduction: a) context, b) thesis statement, and c) importance of main idea







Approaches Satisfactory

Below Expectations

Literature Review

The student presents the current state of knowledge for the topic being addressed utilizing a diversity of scientific opinions. These various, and possibly conflicting, opinions are presented in a balanced manner and seamlessly woven together to illustrate a complete grasp of the literature across multiple research approaches utilizing appropriate peer-reviewed journals.


In addition to the satisfactory criteria, the reader has the foundation necessary to understand the various ideas and association to the given situation.


Various salient research is summarized, compared and contrasted and sufficient in depth.


The summary of the literature is relevant but is insufficient in depth.


Summary of the literature on the topic is inadequate. Literature is not clearly connected with the context or thesis statement. The reader is left with little information about or little understanding of the topic.










Approaches Satisfactory


Below Expectations



Analysis contains a clear sense of scope and context, including an assessment of the audience, relates alternative views, and qualifies analysis with personal experience, literature and theory.

Analysis contains a critique of the context with multiple positions, identifies assumptions, addresses ethical dimensions, and is grounded in literature.

The student presents key topics and uncertainties in the situation, analysis that is grounded in the literature.

Although analysis exists, it is limited to categorizing and summarizing the topic. Incorrect analysis or poorly developed analysis may exist. Analysis focuses on a single perspective and fails to discuss other possible perspectives, especially those held by others.

Analysis is nonexistent or incorrect. Analysis is difficult to comprehend and lacks utility in demonstrating the student’s grasp of the content.









Approaches Satisfactory


Below Expectations




The student engages in effective interpretation and integration of challenging and contrary views with supporting evidence through reflective judgment and justification. In addition, the student integrates own ideas with justification from personal experiences, literature, and theory.

The student engages in difficult, challenging, and discomforting ideas. Clearly presents and justifies these ideas while identifying implications and respecting other views.

The student engages ideas that are accurate but limited, obvious or agreeable. Alternative views are critically critiqued to justify analysis and integration.

The student discusses only a single perspective and fails to discuss other possible perspectives. Comparison of ideas and perspectives are superficial and loosely or unevenly integrated.

Synthesis, integration and options are non-existent.









Approaches Satisfactory


Below Expectations



The student’s solution is novel and qualified as the best available, providing new direction and consideration in light of the given context and the breadth and depth of the evidence. Overall the conclusion presents a sound scholarly position.

The student extends beyond the satisfactory conclusion to address implications and consider ambiguities. Implications and consequences consider context, assumptions, and evidence.

Conclusion is technically sound, appropriate, and supported by the literature. Conclusion may be presented as absolute and only attributed to external authority.

Conclusion only loosely follows the analysis and/or the student’s fails to support the position with literature, research or theory.

Conclusion is nonexistent, incorrect, or unsound. Conclusion is a simplistic summary.









Approaches Satisfactory


Below Expectations


Style, Format & Mechanics

The paper consistently models the language and conventions used in scholarly literature. The manuscript would meet the guidelines for submission for publication in a peer reviewed journal.

Paper follows normal conventions of spelling, grammar, and APA format throughout. Transitions and organizational structures such as subheading are effectively used which help the reader move from one point to another. The reader has little difficulty referring back to cited sources.

Paper is in correct APA format, grammatical conventions are primarily correct, and appropriate scholarly references are utilized. The paper flows logically and is comprehendible.

APA format is attempted but incorrectly used. Writing does not flow smoothly from point to point. There are insufficient or inappropriate citations. Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors are present.

Paper contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure, which make following the logic of the paper extremely difficult. Fails to demonstrate thoroughness and competence in documentation. Overall style and format make reading and comprehension problematic.




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