3. Health Care Informatics: Technology Project in Nursing- Telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care (Due 20 hours)


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1) Minimum  5 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page

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4) Minimum 5 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

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5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX


It is a project that intends to be offered to a health institution for possible implementation (Hypothetically)

Topic: Telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care 

Continuing with the project designed in File 1 (attached) continue with the following questions.

1. Financial Proposal analysis 

2. Alternative plan of actions

3. Proposed project plan to include:

a. Project activities

b. Timeline

c. Budget

d. Evaluation Plan

4. Executive Summary at end of project 

Telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care

Telehealth refers to the use of communication technologies and digital information to enable the access of healthcare services remotely. The communication technologies used include mobile devices and computers. One can use a computer to order medications and test supplies online. Telehealth provides patients with access to medical specialists. It also enables people to access healthcare services regardless of where they live. Telehealth has been very useful for terminally ill patients in-home care. The use of telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care has enabled them to access healthcare professionals. Most terminally ill patients prefer the place of care to be their homes (Steindal et al, 2020).

They prefer to receive care while they are at their homes to spend time with other family members at stay where they are comfortable. There are telehealth apps that improve the relationship between healthcare professionals and patients. This paper analyzes the use of telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care.

Telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care

Topic of the Project Proposal

The topic of the proposal is the use of telehealth for patients that are terminally ill in-home care. Telehealth can be used to provide healthcare services to terminally ill patients. It improves health management by connecting caregivers and patients. Telehealth ensures that patients obtain the needed support by contacting the caregivers at any time. It limits the travel time of both the caregiver and the patient (Bland, 2020). Telehealth promotes patient and caregiver satisfaction. It also limits the expenses of both patients and caregivers and improves the health outcomes of terminally ill patients by providing timely care.

Palliative organizations have found out that telehealth connects caregivers and patients. Some patients live far away, and they are often unable to attend office appointments or clinics. Telehealth facilitates virtual visits. It enables healthcare professionals to easily assess symptomatic patients (Steindal et al, 2020). Patients have to be willing to participate in the telehealth interventions. Terminally ill patients should be receptive to telehealth. Patients that have advanced diseases are often willing to use telehealth. They use video conferencing to gain support from healthcare professionals.

Telehealth empowers terminally ill patients to participate actively in their care. It removes the financial and physical burdens that are associated with traveling. Telehealth also increases the feelings of connectivity and support among terminally ill patients. Terminally ill patients might not be able to move from one place to another easily. Staying at hospitals is likely to be very expensive (McFarland et al, 2021). Telehealth is a very good option for terminally ill patients because they can receive health care while at their homes. There is patient-caregiver reassurance when telehealth is used for terminally ill patients. Terminally ill patients can receive emotional support when they engage with healthcare professionals through digital platforms.

Description of project

Health institutions can implement the use of telehealth. To implement a telehealth program for terminally ill patients, health institutions would need physical space, partnerships, technology, and staffing. Examples of telehealth technology that need to be implemented include telemedicine carts that have screens and cameras, remote patient monitoring devices, and video conferencing software (Steindal et al, 2020). The patients need to have smartphones and computers. They can be using technologies such as Zoom to connect with healthcare professionals.

Health institutions need staff members to be telehealth coordinators. Telehealth coordinators can perform crucial functions such as ensuring that the follow-ups are important, facilitating the technological aspects of patient and caregiver meetings, and briefing patients on telehealth services. Staff members are needed for the monitoring of patients (Bland, 2020). Telehealth kits that have Bluetooth peripherals would be needed for providing telehealth services to terminally ill patients in-home care. There is a need for partnerships to implement telehealth services. Health institutions need to partner with technological organizations to gain access to various telehealth resources and technologies.

The implementation of telehealth can enable remote monitoring of patients. Healthcare professionals can remotely monitor the health of terminally ill patients in-home care. The technologies that can be used for remote monitoring include wearable devices to record and transmit information automatically. The wearable devices can pass information such as posture control, sleep patterns, physical activity, tremors, gait, blood glucose, and heart rate. There can be home monitoring devices for terminally ill patients in-home care (May et al, 2021). There have to be devices that can measure information such as lung function and blood pressure. Terminally ill patients can have mobile apps or web-based devices that they can use to upload information such as their blood glucose and blood pressure.

Background discussion

The use of telehealth for terminally ill patients in-home care has been increasing significantly. There has been a growth in telehealth services. Telehealth has been giving many patients substantial value. Video-conferencing features are used for communication between clinicians and patients. Video conferences often connect the care providers with the patients. Many healthcare organizations have been using telehealth to ensure that they can attend to patients that are very ill (Bland, 2020). Terminally ill patients in-home care have benefited from telehealth because they have been able to access healthcare services without visiting the healthcare centers.

Many healthcare professionals have switched to video and phone visits. The use of video and phone visits has increased significantly due to the ban on home visits. Home visits were banned due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Virtual visits provided ongoing support to terminally ill patients. Telehealth provided an option that was less time-consuming, more comfortable, and safer for terminally ill patients (May et al, 2021). There was a high satisfaction level among the patients that switched to the use of telehealth. Terminally ill patients were satisfied with telehealth because it reduced inconveniences, depending on the caregivers for transportation, absenteeism from family, and travel costs. Patients that were unable to operate computers and smartphones did not benefit from telehealth significantly.


One of the goals of the project would be to increase patient engagement. Implementation of telehealth can significantly improve patient engagement among terminally ill patients in-home care. The patients can engage with healthcare professionals by the use of video conferencing tools. They can use their computers and smartphones to access health information. Terminally ill patients can share their health information with their caregivers through telehealth. Another goal would be to reduce the cost of care (May et al, 2021). Health institutions can significantly reduce the cost of care by using telehealth. They can save on a lot of costs by using telehealth to provide healthcare to terminally ill patients in-home care


One of the objectives would be to obtain technological devices that will enable telehealth. The level of patient engagement can be increased if the health institution acquires more technological tools. The institution can obtain technological tools from technological organizations (Bland, 2020). Another objective would be to have more virtual appointments for terminally ill patients in-home care. The use of virtual appointments would help reduce the cost of care because no transportation costs would be involved.

Significance discussion

The project would be significant because it would improve patient outcomes. Terminally ill patients in-home care need to have access to various services. They need to maintain their care at home. Some terminally ill patients wish to stay at their homes and gain access to healthcare services. The project is very helpful to the patients because it gives them access to healthcare professionals (Bland, 2020). It also improves the self-management and independence of the patients. The project ensures that health institutions implement telehealth. This enables them to reduce hospital readmissions. There can be many readmissions if terminally ill patients cannot receive care at their homes.

Patients cannot maintain governance and feel meaning in their lives if they are unable to access healthcare at home. The use of telehealth can give meaning to the lives of patients. Terminally ill patients need regular communication with physicians and nurses (Heratanti et al, 2021). They also need to communicate frequently with the health care professionals. Patients can access caregivers quickly when they need urgent help.


Telehealth can be useful to terminally ill patients in-home care. It should be implemented to improve patient outcomes, increase patient engagement and reduce the cost of care. Telehealth improves patient outcomes because the patients can communicate with their caregivers. They can consult healthcare professionals at any given time, and this helps improve healthcare and patient outcomes. The level of patient engagement is increased due to the availability of videoconferencing tools. Telehealth can facilitate patient monitoring. Terminally ill patients in-home care need to be monitored closely by their caregivers. The use of telehealth can enable caregivers to monitor terminally ill patients regardless of their physical location. Patients can be monitored by the use of wearable devices that measure various things such as blood pressure, lung function, and blood glucose (Lew, 2020). Telehealth should be implemented in health institutions. It can be beneficial to both patients and healthcare professionals. Implementation of telehealth for terminally ill patients requires access to various technologies. It is good to ensure that terminally ill patients in-home care have access to computers and smartphones.


Bland, K. A., Bigaran, A., Campbell, K. L., Trevaskis, M., & Zopf, E. M. (2020). Exercising in isolation? The role of telehealth in exercise oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Physical Therapy, 100(10), 1713-1716.

Heratanti, N., Rambi, A. P., & Syarifurrahman, I. (2021). The Telehealth Effectiveness in Home Care Services: A Systematic Review. STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 10(1), 1057-1065.

Lew, S. Q. (2020). Measuring quality and impact of telehealth services in-home dialysis patients. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 32(3), 173-176.

May, S., Jonas, K., Fehler, G. V., Zahn, T., Heinze, M., & Muehlensiepen, F. (2021). Challenges in current nursing home care in rural Germany and how they can be reduced by telehealth-an exploratory qualitative pre-post study. BMC health services research, 21(1), 1-10.

McFarland, S., Coufopolous, A., & Lycett, D. (2021). The effect of telehealth versus usual care for home-care patients with long-term conditions: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and qualitative synthesis. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 27(2), 69-87.

Steindal, S. A., Nes, A. A. G., Godskesen, T. E., Dihle, A., Lind, S., Winger, A., & Klarare, A. (2020). Patients’ experiences of telehealth in palliative home care: scoping review. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(5), e16218.

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