Technology In Contemporary

Use My Annotated Bibliography to do the progress report 

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Annotated Bibliography Worksheet


· Complete the worksheet.

· Use your own words. Do not copy or quote directly from your sources. Assignments that copy or quote directly from another source will be returned ungraded.

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· Include at least two articles published within the past 3 years (1 point)

· Include at least two scholarly articles (1 point)

· Include at least one credible cross-cultural reference (1 point)

· Include at least one credible policy-related reference (1 point)

· Submit completed worksheet in , x, or .rtf format. Include your name in the file name. (1 point)

For more detail, refer to the Syllabus.

For help with APA-7 format, visit the “APA Citation and Style Resources” module under Content in the LEO Classroom.

Reference 1 – Cross-cultural reference

Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)


Hammo, S. A. (2021). Effect of Video Games on Psychological Development of the Child in Primary Schools in Baghdad. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(3), 1359–1368. https://doi-

Annotation (12 points)

In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following: 

· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)

· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)

· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)

 Research in schools in Baghdad is directed by Siham Hammo, PhD therapist with Psychiatric Mental Wellbeing how youngsters create to investigate the impacts of computer games on mental improvement in youngsters between the ages of 6 and 14. Therapists anticipate that an underlying development due should video games however a long haul sway influencing mental improvement in youngsters. This investigation of 300 understudies between ages 6-14 with 51.3% male and 48.7% female from elementary school in Baghdad Al – Rafasa incorporated an example size with 41% of ages being 6-8 years, 18% being 12-14 years of age what’s more 41% being 9-11 years of age.

Key Takeaways:

Moderate Development of mental issues, for example, rest problems. Social effects that lead to sensations of segregation and social tension. Sped up thought Early improvements of dependence on the web.

This study is extremely advantageous to my undertaking since it draws a relationship between’s gaming enslavement and youngsters and afterward goes into the different types of effect that gaming has on a kid between the ages of 6-14 which convers most of youthfulness. It likewise gives a multifaceted reference to show how a segment in an immature nation encounters the very effects as different nations that are currently exceptionally created in the advanced universe of gaming.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)

 The source was distinguished as a scholastic article in the UMGC information base. This source is a friend inspected academic diary with well-informed authorities subsidiary with Psychiatric Mental Health, and High Health Establishment.

Reference 2 – Policy reference

Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)

 Stockdale, L., & Coyne, S. M. (2018). Video game addiction in emerging adulthood: Cross-sectional evidence of pathology in video game addicts as compared to matched healthy controls. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225, 265–272.

Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following: 
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)

 Research is led by Laura Stockdale and Sarah Coyne PhD researchers in Psychology and Neuroscience, who are associated with the School of Family Life and Brigham Young University. This exploration was led to use the Internet Gaming Disorder scale to contrast computer game addicts with non someone who is addicted under paired controls in light old enough, orientation, race, and conjugal status. 174 Video game addicts and non addicts were used for correlation in this review. These addicts were gathered across 2 separate colleges from an example size of 1205 youthful understudies.

· Computer game addicts showed more unfortunate emotional well-being hand mental capacities.

· Computer game addicts had more unfortunate drive control and more grounded ADHD indications contrasted with the controls.

· Computer game addicts show expanded social challenges that spurr into personal hardships such has sadness, tension, and social confinement.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)

 The source was distinguished as a scholarly article in the UMGC information base. This source is a friend surveyed academic diary with educated authorities subsidiary with the School of Family Life and Brigham Young College.

Reference 3

Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)

 Parmar, R., & Lagoy, J. (2021). Is Video Addiction a DISORDER? Psychiatric Times, 38(10), 1–14

Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following: 
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)

 This insightful article is peer surveyed and composed by Dr. Parmar Rashimi and Dr. Julian Lagoy, board certified specialists partnered with local area psychiatry. This article was composed to examine how video game compulsion is ordered to decide the profundity of the fixation.

Key Takeaways:

-Gaming problem is characterized by the experience of at least 5 manifestations on the DSM-5’s web gaming issue scale.

– Computer game habit can prompt problematic conduct which is joined by various signs such as temperament changes, helpless cleanliness, absence of construction during the day, separation, disabled consideration, weakness, decreased craving, weight changes, issues at work or scholarly decay, and expanded clashes at home over computer game use.

– Characterizing computer game compulsion as a problem can be valuable in treating computer game habit. This would take into consideration the reception of different treatment choices. This source is extremely helpful on the grounds that it goes into of profundity on distinguishing computer game fixation. This recognizable proof of computer game compulsion is made a stride further by investigating how it very well may be ordered into a jumble and treated in like manner.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)

 The source was recognized as a scholarly article in the UMGC data set. This source is a companion assessed insightful diary with informed authorities who are board-guaranteed therapists subsidiary with local area psychiatry.

Reference 4

Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)

 Kim, J.-Y., Kim, H.-S., Kim, D.-J., Im, S.-K., & Kim, M.-S. (2021). Identification of Video Game Addiction Using Heart- Rate Variability Parameters. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 21(14). https://doi-

Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following: 
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)

 This insightful article is composed by Jung-Yong Kim, Hea-Sol Kim, Dong-Joon Kim, Sung-Kyun Im, and Mi-Sook Kim partnered with the Department of HCI, Department of Industrial Management Engineering, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Hanyang University, and Kyung Hee University. This study investigates the chance of deciding computer game dependence by using electrocardiograms to decide the pulse inconstancy boundaries that can evaluate gaming habit. An example size of 23 subjects, 11 game-dependent, and 12 non-dependent, were tried to distinguish computer game enslavement. The subjects played class of legends for 30-40 mins.

Key Takeaways:

-The most dependable boundary for recognizing computer game compulsion was found after a subject was “killed” in the game. This pressure reaction helped with recognizing computer game compulsion.

– The dependent gathering tracked down a better quality deviation in MeanNNI, SDNN, SDSD, pNN150,pNN120, RMSSD, LF, HF, HFnu, and absolute power. Showing a generally more grounded HRV in contrast with the nonaddicted bunch.

– In spite of the fact that there was proof to show higher HRV boundaries the pressure reaction deviation wasn’t highenough for substantial determination. This source would not be extremely valuable in my venture because of the uncertain outcomes the investigation gave. Despite the fact that there was proof towards expanded HRV in dependent gamers particularly in the wake of being “killed” the outcomes were excessively uncertain.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)

 The source was recognized as a scholarly article in the UMGC information base. This source is a companion evaluated insightful diary with educated authorities subsidiary with the Department of HCI, Department of Modern Management Engineering, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Hanyang University, and Kyung Hee University.

Reference 5

Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)

 TAS, B. (2019). School Attachment and Video Game Addiction of Adolescents with Divorced vs. Married Parents. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET, 18(2), 107–115.

Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following: 
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)

 This academic article is composed, and peer assessed by Besra TAS partnered with Sakarya University and Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology. This exploration was led to investigate another option factor that could cause an expanded or diminished connection with gaming dependence. This relationship could investigate a capacity to forestall or distinguish potential elements for gaming compulsion.

Key Findings

· Kids with separated from guardians were found to have somewhat higher normal scores than youngsters with

· separate from guardians however the deviation was extremely close and given practically zero importance.

· Computer game habit between kids with wedded and separated from guardians were practically indistinguishable and given no proof to a contention.

· School connection and computer game enslavement show no method for distinction in view of the conjugal status of their folks. This data gives little use. On the off chance that a contention towards gaming addictions absence of inclination is one to be made, then, at that point, this will actually want to help that contention. In any case, other than that this source gives no use.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)

 The source was identified as an academic article in the UMGC database. This source is a peer reviewed scholarly journal with subject matter experts affiliated with Sakarya University and Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology.3.



The purpose of this report is to 1) incorporate the research found in your Annotated Bibliography assignment, 2) think about the structure and information needed for the Final Presentation, and 3) develop your written communication skills. 

Remember that the Annotated Bibliography, the Progress Report, and the Final Presentation are all connected to each other. At this point, it is helpful to think ahead to what you want your final presentation to look like. Looking at the Final Presentation description and rubric, what criteria can be addressed by the information you’ve already found in your Annotated Bibliography? You will probably find that there are pieces missing and that you need to do some additional research to fill in these gaps. 

At the end of Week 6, you are to submit a progress report that demonstrates that you have been working towards your final presentation. Your progress report should be 2-4 pages in length and include the following: 

· A well-written paragraph that states in detail what your topic is. Be sure to clearly link your topic to both technology and society/societal trends.

· A well-written paragraph that identifies the type of presentation you plan to give (e.g. slideshow, written materials, podcast, YouTube, etc.). Your presentation should be creative, engaging, and informative. Remember that in the last week of class, YOU become the teachers. Think about your audience and how to present material in an interesting and clear manner.

· A preliminary overview that shows what will you address in your presentation. Your progress report and presentation should include the following components:

· Trace the history of your topic

· Describe how your topic compares to at least one other culture

· Identify relevant policies related to your topic

· Discuss future trends related to your topic

· In-text citations in APA-7 format for any sources used to support your statements about history, culture, and policy. Note the importance of including citations in the rubric. If citations are not provided, your score will be negatively impacted. 

Remember that this is a progress report and you may not have all of the information you need at this point. That’s fine. You can provide an overview or bullet points of what you do have thus far and identify areas where you are still looking for information. 

Example for “Trace the history of your topic” on the topic of widget-making:  I was able to trace widget-making back to the early 1800s through a source found at the Library of Congress (Washington, 1832). I also found a more recent document that shows that the widget-making industry had collapsed but was making a revival as recently as 2010 (Jones, 2012). I will incorporate this information into my presentation, but I would like to find a source that explains what happened anytime between 1800 and 2010. I imagine that the fall of widget-making in the past two centuries may have had a profound impact on poverty and crime in the centers of widget-making in the United States, but have yet to find a credible source to support this belief. 

Late policy for the Progress Report assignment: 

Late work will not be accepted without approval from the instructor. If accepted, a late penalty may be applied at the discretion of the instructor. 

Best Practices for Progress Report

· Do not wait until the last minute! I recommend starting this assignment in Week 4 or 5 to ensure that you have the information you need to complete the assignment.

· Use the rubric provided below to see how your work will be graded and where you should be investing your time and effort. 

· If you know that you need help with your writing skills, work with the Effective Writing Center, but give them at least a few days to review your work. You can find the link to the EWC by clicking on Academic Support on the navigation bar in the LEO classroom. 

Ask questions if you need clarification.

Your Progress Report will be graded according to the following rubric:



10 points


8 points


6 points


4 points

Missing or Not Acceptable

0 points

Statement of Topic

Topic is clear and well-stated.

Topic is mostly clear and well-stated.

Topic is a little unclear or not well-stated.

Topic is unclear and poorly stated.

No topic statement.

Link to Technology

Link to technology is clear.

Link to technology is mostly clear.

Link to technology is implied, but not clearly stated.

Link to technology is evident, but not well-stated.

No link to technology mentioned.

Link to Society/ Social Problems

Link to society/social problems is clear.

Link to society/social problems is mostly clear.

Link to society/social problems is implied, but not clearly stated.

Link to society/social problems is evident, but not well-stated.

No link to society/social problems mentioned.

Type of Presentation

Excellent description of the type of presentation and how you plan to make it interesting.

Good description of the type of presentation and how you plan to make it interesting.

Fair description of the type of presentation, but with some details missing.

Poor description of the type of presentation, but with many details missing.

No description of the type of presentation.

History of the Selected Topic

Clear plan for presenting the history of the topic. Evidence that presenter already has strong and credible references to support this part of the presentation.

Correctly includes in-text citations.

Mostly clear plan for presenting the history of the topic. Evidence that presenter has some credible references to support this part of the presentation.

Correctly includes in-text citations.

Some plan for presenting the history of the topic. Unclear if there are credible references to support this part of the presentation, but there is a plan to trace the history of the topic.

Attempt to provide in-text citations, with some errors.

Poor plan for presenting the history of the topic. No credible references to support this part of the presentation.

Attempt to provide in-text citations, with many errors.

No plan to present the history of the topic.

Does not support work with in-text citations. 

Cross-cultural Comparison

Overview  includes a clear cross-cultural reference and mentions at least one credible source.

Correctly includes in-text citations.

Overview  includes a somewhat clear cross-cultural reference mentions at least one credible source.

Correctly includes in-text citations.

Overview  includes a clear cross-cultural reference but does not mention a credible source.

Attempt to provide in-text citations, with some errors.

Overview  implies a cross-cultural reference but does not mention a credible source.

Attempt to provide in-text citations, with many errors.

No cross-cultural reference mentioned.

Does not support work with in-text citations. 

Relevant Policies

Overview  includes a clear reference to policy and mentions at least one credible source.

Correctly includes in-text citations.

Overview  includes a somewhat clear reference to policy and mentions at least one credible source.

Correctly includes in-text citations.

Overview  includes a clear reference to policy but does not mention a credible source.

Attempt to provide in-text citations, with some errors.

Overview  implies a reference to policy but does not mention a credible source.

Attempt to provide in-text citations, with many errors.

No reference to policy mentioned.

Does not support work with in-text citations. 

Future Trends

Overview includes a clear reference to future trends.

Overview includes a mostly clear reference to future trends.

Overview includes a somewhat clear reference to future trends.

Overview implies reference to future trends.

No reference to future trends.

Flow of Presentation

Plan for presentation flows logically and clearly.

Plan for presentation flows mostly logically and clearly with only minor improvements needed.

Plan for presentation flows somewhat logically with several minor improvements needed.  

Plan for presentation does not flow logically. Several major improvements needed.

Plan for presentation is missing many components.

Writing Quality

Well-written with no grammatical or composition errors.

Mostly well-written with some grammatical or composition errors.

Writing is understandable but has many grammatical or composition errors.

Poorly written with major grammatical or composition errors.

Writing is not understandable due to grammatical or composition errors.

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