Trade Promotions, Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Events

Trade Promotions, Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Events

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This week you will continue developing your marketing and communications plan for The Westside Coffee Company.


The Westside Coffee Company has just created bagged ground coffee that it wants to start selling at its local grocery chain in the ground coffee section of the store.


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Create 2 proprietary trade promotion ideas to execute at the grocery stores to generate awareness, induce trials, and promote purchases of Westside’s new bagged coffees.


As part of the annual marketing plan, the owners of The Westside Coffee Company want to give back to the local community along with raising their local visibility. Develop concept ideas for each of the following:

  • Long-term cause-related marketing initiative to give back to the community
  • Partnership in the local community that could help provide visibility
  • Local sponsorship to raise its community profile


a 550- to 750-word executive summary of each proposal.


the costs associated with each proposal.


MKT/498 v9

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MKT/498: Integrated Marketing Strategies

Course Information


This course provides students with an in-depth study of integrated marketing communications (IMC). Emphasis will be placed on the strategic roles and integration of marketing communication tools including advertising, sales, promotion, marketing channels, and marketing management.



Course Learning Outcomes

In this course you will learn to:

Where you will demonstrate your learning:

Evaluate research used to develop marketing strategies.

Wk 1- Apply: Summative Assessment Consumer/Marketplace Insights and Micro-Moments

Design a strategic marketing and communications plan.

Wk 4 – Apply Summative Assessment: Trade Promotions, Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Events

Evaluate marketing strategy performance.

Wk 5 – Apply Summative Assessment: Strategic Marketing Plan/Marketing Metrics



Schulz, E. (2021). Integrated marketing strategies. MyEducator, LLC.



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Schedule Overview

Note: Practice assignments are due Day 5 and Apply assignments are due Day 7 unless indicated otherwise. Initial discussion posts are due Day 3 and the 2 required responses are due Day 7.

Wk and Topic


Assignments and Points

Wk 1 – Digital Marketing and Social Media

Learn: Introduction
Learn: Topic 1: Gathering, Analyzing, and Leveraging Consumer and Marketplace Insights in Decision Making
Learn: Topic 2: Marketing in Micro-Moments

Discussion – Digital Marketing and Social Media (40 points)
Practice: Topic 1 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Topic 2 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Assignment (30 Points)
Apply: Summative Assessment: Consumer/Marketplace Insights and Micro-Moments (100 Points)

Wk 2 – Digital Marketing and Advertising

Learn: Introduction
Learn: Topic 3: Digital Marketing
Learn: Topic 4: Digital Advertising

Discussion – Digital Marketing and Advertising (40 Points)
Practice: Topic 3 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Topic 4 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Assignment (30 Points)
Apply: Websites, Search Engine Optimization, and Advertising (100 Points)

Wk 3 – Consumer Promotions and Public Relations

Learn: Introduction
Learn: Topic 5: Consumer Promotions
Learn: Topic 6: Public Relations

Discussion – Consumer Promotions and Public Relations (40 Points)
Practice: Topic 5 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Topic 6 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Assignment (30 Points)
Apply: Consumer Promotions and Public Relations (100 Points)

Wk 4 – Trade Promotions, Events, and Sponsorships

Learn: Introduction
Learn: Topic 7: Trade Promotions
Learn: Topic 8: Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Events

Discussion – Trade Promotions, Events, and Sponsorships (40 Points)
Practice: Topic 7 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Topic 8 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Assignment (30 Points)
Apply: Summative Assessment: Trade Promotions, Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Events (100 Points)

Wk 5 – Strategic Marketing Plan and Marketing Metrics

Learn: Introduction
Learn: Topic 9: The Strategic Marketing Plan
Learn: Topic 10: Marketing Metrics and Financials

Discussion – Strategic Marketing Plan and Marketing Metrics (40 Points)
Practice: Topic 9 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Topic 10 Quick Check (15 Points)
Practice: Assignment (30 Points)
Apply: Summative Assessment: Strategic Marketing Plan/Marketing Metrics (100 Points)

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