MGT 3151

Marketing (MKT3151.E1)

Digital Marketing (Part

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), Assignment Week 7

NAME: Type your name here


· There is a total of 2 short-answer questions; each worth 50 points.

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· Respond to each as directed.

· Please “Save As” this file and include your name in place of “worksheet” before you upload to Moodle (file should be named: MKT3151_Assignment Wk7_LastNameFirstName )

Question 1

· Choose a product or service (it can be anything such as running shoes, a garden tool, cosmetic, car, any product/service you want; B2B or B2C).

· Identify 3 companies that sell your selected product/service and “digitally explore” each as it relates to your selected product/service. By digitally explore, you can look at things such as:

· Their web site

· Any social media channel

· Email (if you are on their subscription list or don’t mind signing up—but this is not required)

· Advertisements (they will show up on your SERP and may even show up on other web sites if you visit their site and go somewhere else—this is retargeting).

· Any other place you can find such as a blog that references them or if they are advertised on Amazon, or another web site.

· Compare and contrast between the 3 companies.

· What kinds of promotions are each company doing for the product/service?

· What do you observe that one or more of the companies are doing well (does it seem to have impact)?

· What do you observe that one or more of the companies are doing poorly?

· Overall, from a digital promotion effort, which company seems to be taking the lead?

· Please include the following in your response:

· Name of the product/service

· Name of the three companies.

· Your comparison of their efforts (5-8 paragraphs are fine). NOTE: I’m most interested in your thoughts about what you discovered and the comparison of the companies. DO NOT spend a lot of your writing on the background of the companies.

Question 2

· Choose a non-profit organization.

· Identify and describe 3-5 digital promotional activities/items that you would recommend to help the organization solicit a donation. Some or all of your promotional activities can work together as they would in a campaign, or they can be independent. Examples of a digital promotional activity could be, but are not limited to:

· An email

· Display ad or some other type of advertisement

· Obtaining an influencer (you would describe who, what they could do and why they are good for the organization)

· Some type of digital content (see the weekly guide and your other materials for types of content). You would describe the content, what it conveys and where (channels) it would be distributed.

· There are no limits; think about it and don’t be afraid to throw your ideas out there.

· For each promotional activity, I don’t expect you to actually design something, but I do expect you to provide a thorough description (the kind of messaging, the content type, the intent/purpose, who the audience is, why you think it would work, etc.). (3-6 paragraphs are fine)

Please make sure to include your name on this document (at the top of the page) and also in the file name.


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