Final Reflection


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Final Reflection

Introduction: This assignment builds off the Policy You Would Change activity you completed in Week 9. Part 1: What is one domestic policy that you would change? Why? 

  • Be sure to use your approved policy and sources identified in the Policy You Would Change activity you completed in Week 9.

Part 2: From the list of branches below, choose 2 and explain the procedures for changing or making a new policy for each of those two. 

  • the legislative process
  • presidential executive action
  • administrative agency’s regulations
  • legal system of the courts

Part 3: In what way can the public influence this proposed policy change? 

  • Use evidence to support your argument including statistics and/or relevant facts from your sources

Note:This assignment requires the use of

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Strayer University Online Library

 to be sure your references meet academic standards. All sources should  be cited using the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format.  

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