
I need 3 paragraphs for each discussion which is a total of 6 paragraphs. Please keep both separate and address each question. Please make sure you check grammar and punctuation errors, as well as quoting and using in text citations. PLEASE make sure you cite the information, do NOT plagiarize and ADD all references. No Cover Page Needed PLEASE INBOX ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS 

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Part 1 Contents of an Annual Report

Discuss the following scenario: Staff members from the marketing department of your firm are doing a splendid job selling products to customers. Many of the customers are so pleased that they are also buying shares in the company’s stock, which means that they receive a copy of the firm’s annual report. Unfortunately, questions sometimes arise that the marketing staff members are woefully inadequate at answering. Technical questions about the firm’s financial condition and performance are referred to the chief financial officer, but the director of marketing has asked you to write a memo in which you explain the key elements in an annual report so that marketing representatives are better prepared to respond to questions of a more general nature.

For your initial post, write a clear, concise memo (no more than 250 words) that describes the contents of an annual report so marketing personnel can understand the basic requirements of an annual report. Reference this week’s readings and lecture to help organize and explain your thoughts. In addition, answer the following questions:

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· Do you think all marketing staff members should be equipped to speak with the public about the firm’s financial matters?

· What are some of the benefits of improving employee financial literacy?

Part 2 Financial Statement Analysis 

The financial statement analysis is due in Week 6. To help you begin your preparation of this work, select a company that you will do the analysis of. Write at least a 200 word summary identifying the firm that you selected, summarizing why you selected it, and explaining the items that a financial analyst might find useful within its Annual Report. 

Additionally, read the Forbes article: “

12 Lessons from the Warby Parkers Annual Report (Links to an external site.)

” and explain which of these 12 lessons may apply to your company selection.

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