Research#1 – HRMT624

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The starting point of any recruitment is Employer Branding. This research assignment will examine the

concepts of employer branding, what it is and why it is important.

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The research essay paper must thoroughly answer the following:

1. An explanation of employer branding, and why it is important in recruitment.

2. An examination of the attributes associated with employer branding. Identify the attributes

most associated with employer branding. A minimum of 10 attributes must be identified.

3. For each of the 10 attributes, explain how it is used to promote the employer brand.

4. Of the 10 attributes identified in point 2, rank them in order of importance from the perspective

of a candidate. For the attributes that the paper ranks as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, provide an

explanation as to why a candidate feels these attributes are the top three.

5. Select a company of your choice and use the 10 attributes selected in point 1. For the selected

company, explain the how the company demonstrates each of the 10 attributes for employer

branding. Diagrams, tables, and charts are encouraged to support your answer.

6. For the selected company in point 5, what three recommendations would you make to improve

their employer brand through changes to its attributes. How will your three recommendations

improve the connection between the employer brand and candidate perception?


1. If you have any questions or need support please contact the Instructor during class or office


2. Turnitin is setup to allow you to test the similarity of your paper. You can test the paper once

every 24 hours before the due date and time.


1. This must be written as a research essay paper. Use APA 7th edition format. This is an

individual assignment.

2. Must have an introduction and a conclusion. Ensure the introduction has all the key points for a

strong introduction. Please review this link for an example of a strong introduction.


3. Must have a conclusion. Ensure the conclusion follows this best practice. https://essay-

4. No abstract or Table of Contents required.

5. The paper will be marked on the rubrics shown below. Ensure your paper follows the rubrics.

6. The paper should not exceed 3500 words (not including the title page or reference page). There

is no minimum word count. The key is whether the paper thoroughly answers the questions

above. Precise and concise writing is recommended.

7. Turnitin score of less than 20% is required. Turnitin does not count quoted material, title page,

or reference page.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

Research #1 – HRMT624


8. (Updated): A minimum 3 academic references via the UCW library and 4 non-academic

references (minimum total 7). Sites such as Panmore, UKEsssay, Scribble, Coursehero, Chegg,

and Wikipedia will not be allowed. Use of other student’s paper from any other instituation as a

reference will not be accepted. Links must be provided for all digitally accessed documents.

The links and reference information must access the page being referenced otherwise it will not

count as a site used.

9. A well written paper is one where the paper teaches the reader about the topic. Do not assume

that the reader understands your topic or will fill in the blanks of information.

Research #1 – HRMT624


Topics Comments Max.

Subject Matter

Subject Matter (50%)

• Key elements of assignments are covered
• Content is comprehensive, accurate, persuasive
• Displays an understanding of relevant theory
• Major points supported by specific references
• Research is adequate/timely and citations are

academically valid.


Organization (20%) Organization (20%)

• The introduction provides a sufficient background
on the topic and previews major points

• Central theme/purpose is immediately clear
• Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow with

proper headings
• Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme
• The conclusion follow logically from the body of the



Style/Mechanics (30%) Style/Mechanics

APA (10%)

• Title page is present and properly formatted – separate

• Reference page is present and properly formatted –

separate page
• Citations/reference page follow APA guidelines


Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling (10%)

• Grammar
• Spelling
• Punctuation


Readability/Style (10%)

• Sentences are complete, clear, and concise
• Sentences are well-constructed with consistently

strong, varied structure
• Transitions between

sentences/paragraphs/sections help maintain the
flow of thought

• Words used are precise and unambiguous
• The tone is appropriate to the audience,

content, and assignment


Grade on 100 Subtotal 100

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