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Proposed Centralized Sales Support Server Implementation


SUH faces new challenges
3 unique and separate IT infrastructures
Incompatibilities and frustrations
Merging of all 3 networks
Greater need for sales team support
New and current employee training program
An opportunity presents itself

The current challenges facing our company are that there are 3 unique and separate sales support IT infrastructures in place within SUH and it’s subsidiaries CarbonTech and MyRentals.

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The difficulty with this situation is that all 3 networks are using separate software and formats to perform their day-to-day functions.

By merging these separate entities into 1 cohesive network we will be able to streamline our business processes, allow all 3 branches of the company to use the same format for sales and accounting purposes, and increase productivity, efficiency, and profitability.
Another issue that has presented itself is the lack of the ability for our sales support team to back-up all of their information on a centralized corporate server.
Our solution here will be to implement a centralized corporate server where all the sales support information will be stored, as well as establishing an offsite information backup and restore policy.

For our training requirements, our IT solution for this will be to create one, cohesive training program that will be available on a company intranet for enterprise wide access.

The implementation of a company intranet will allow all 3 branches to access any pertinent and sensitive corporate information, as well as the new training programs remotely from anywhere in the country.

Our historical practice has been to sell our shelters above all else, however, with the economic downturn in the country, new sales has become an ever increasing difficulty.

With the creation of the new centralized server, a solution to this problem, as well as new opportunity, has presented itself. The solution to this problem would be to continue to manufacture and sell our well known shelters but now we will also use our subsidiary, MyRentals, to lease them.

By brining corporate and MyRentals on the same page through the use of the new server network, we will be able to lease shelters more efficiently.

The opportunities for future growth and sales that accompany this new sales support server are limitless.

Sales Support Server Hardware Components
Hardware Components
Server mainframe(s)
VPN server
Hard drive storage
Network infrastructure cabling

The main hardware component for the proposed technology solution will be the server mainframes themselves. We will use multiple servers, preferably 3 separate servers to allow for load balancing and fail over clustering. This will help to optimize the new sales support server while implementing redundancies and fail safes.

Our next hardware component will be the new VPN server. The Virtual Private Network server will allow our remote facilities and sales representatives to access the server.

Hard drive storage will become an important aspect of the sales support server. We will preferably use 2 to 5 Terabytes of Hard drive storage for storing and backing up sales information and data for our remote sales representatives. This information will be then be backed up on a regular basis to a secure, offsite location.

An uninterruptible power supply will be required to provide power to the servers to allow for the equipment to be safely powered down in the event of a power outage so that data is not lost or corrupted.

The last of the required hardware components will be the actual cabling used for the server network infrastructure. This cabling will consist of Cat-6 Ethernet and single mode fiber used for the network backbone.

Sales Support Software Components
Software Components
Microsoft Server 2008 Enterprise Edition
VmWare Virtualization
VPN software

The new server will run Microsoft Server 2008 Enterprise Edition. This edition of Microsoft Server will meet the demands that we require for our proposed solution such as failover clustering and server role virtualization.

With the Microsoft Server 2008 Enterprise Edition we will also use VMware virtualization to virtualize many of the server role services. By virtualzing these server roles we can free up the resources that would be required for the hardware and software needed to support those services and put it to good use elsewhere.

The final software component needed will be some form of VPN software. The VPN software will allow for our distant offices and travelling sales representatives to remotely access the sales support server and corporate network. Authorization, authentication and accounting will also be included in the software to allow for secure access to the server as well.

How Will It All Work?
What our new central server network will look like.
Connectivity between corporate and its subsidiaries.
Remote access for our travelling sales representatives.

Through the use of the internet, or “the cloud,” we will interconnect SUH’s corporate offices with its subsidiaries MyRentals and CarbonTech.

The new sales support server will be centralized at SUH’s corporate headquarters to allow for remote access to the corporate intranet, and to allow corporate to access the sales information stored on the new server.

With an active internet connection, SUH’s travelling representatives can use VPN client software to access the corporate network while on the road. While connected to the server they can automatically back up their information, receive necessary equipment updates, and access the corporate intranet.

Implementation Requirements
Hardware and software components
IT training and support
SDLC adherence
Strong project management

The greatest requirement for the implementation of the new server will be the hardware and software components. As described in the previous slides, these components make up the bulk of the proposed solution and will also be the most costly. However, the return on investment from the requirements will be great.

As I just pointed out, the hardware and software components can be somewhat costly. For this reason, resources will become an essential requirement for the implementation of the new server. While finances will make up the bulk of the resources, man power will be essential as well. We will most likely use a third party vendor to install the server as well as provide training to our IT department on how to operate and maintain the new server and software.

With any new technology project, a systems development life cycle, or SDLC, plan needs to be established and strictly adhered to. This ensures that a plan is in place for the planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance of the new project. It also creates a guideline to follow for any changes that may occur, either through software/hardware upgrades or changes in operations in the future.

The most crucial requirement of the implementation of the new system will be strong project management. With a capable manager in place, who has experience with other project development plans, to oversee the entire project from start to finish will help to ensure that the new system implementation will be conducted on schedule, in accordance with the allotted resources, and with the proper focus and scope to complete the project as intended.

IT Best Practices For Implementation
Four IT Characteristics For Best Practices

In regards to accessibility, the new centralized sales support server needs to be accessed only by the remote sales people, the sales support team, and the necessary accounting and manufacturing personnel. By using secure VPN with authorization, authentication, and accounting we can work to ensure the correct accessibility of the server.

For our new server to actually meet SUH’s business requirements it needs to be available at all times. The new server will have redundancies in place to curb any hardware failures and possible data loss or corruption. Maintaining system up time will be paramount to the success of the new sales support server.

Our new IT solution will incorporate a new network drive that will store all the sales support information, allowing it be accessible by all the branch offices as well as our remote sales team. The new server will also allow for remote file backup and restore for all the necessary sales and accounting information. The improvements that will be found in our proposed IT solution will help to greatly improve information reliability on an enterprise wide level.

Much of what we wish the server to accomplish will be down in the background of our users day to day tasks. Data backups will occur automatically and in the background without any intervention needed from the user. Remote access will be accomplished through the use of software installed by the IT department on the client’s machine that will simply require a username and password. Much of what is desired from the new sales support server will be uncomplicated and easy to manage making usability a non-issue.

By following these IT best practices listed here, we can better manage the implementation, operation, and maintenance of the new server.

IT Best Practices For Operations and Sustainment
Vulnerability Mitigation and Security
Authentication and Authorization
Prevention and Resistance
Detection and Response

As previously discussed, we would like to implement a VPN server for remote access that will also allow for authentication, authorization and accounting for any users who access the sales support server. With the use of access rosters and continuous updating and monitoring, we can control who accesses what information on our servers as well as maintain records of every session.

In regards to prevention and resistance, we have to be on guard at all times. Cyber criminals and corporate espionage has been on the rise over the last decade and for this reason security of the new server, and all the sales information that it holds, will be of the up most importance.

– According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who recently published an updated version of the Twenty Critical Controls for Effective Cyber Defense, there are several guidelines that can be followed to help mitigate security vulnerabilities. These guidelines were summarized and are listed below:
“- Defenses should focus on addressing the most common and damaging attack activities occurring today, and those anticipated in the near future.
– Enterprise environments must ensure consistent controls across an enterprise to effectively negate attacks.
– Defenses should be automated where possible, and periodically or continuously measured using automated measurement techniques where feasible.
– To address current attacks occurring on a frequent basis against numerous organizations, a variety of specific technical activities should be undertaken to produce a more consistent defense.”
(CSIS , 2009)
While prevention of unauthorized access will be of the up most importance, we will still have to have policies and safeguards in place in the event that our corporate network is breached. For starters, network based intrusion prevention and antivirus software will be implemented and maintained by the IT department.

Next, user education programs will be created to teach our employees basic security practices to help mitigate accidents and potential security breaches on the user level. Additionally, the IT department will constantly monitor network traffic for any anomalies or suspicious activity.

Sales Support Server As An Enterprise Wide Solution
Enterprise Resource Planning
Centralized access to all pertinent sales data
Up to date sales reporting and forecasting
Better statistical sales analysis
Better decision making by senior management
Bettering information sharing amongst corporate and its subsidiaries

We believe that the new sales support infrastructure will help to better support our Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP.

“Enterprise resource planning is a cross-functional enterprise system driven by an integrated suite of software modules that supports the basic internal business processes of a company” (Marakas & O’Brien, 2011).

Up to date sales information from our sales support team on the road will give SUH a better understanding of what type of business is occurring on a daily basis.

Our sales support server will allow for centralized access to all pertinent sales data which will allow for better statistical sales analysis.

With the new information technology system in place, we will be better able to incorporate enterprise wide sales data which in turn will allow for senior management to make better business decisions.

The new centralized server will allow for better sharing of information data throughout the newly incorporated network infrastructure. Accounting, sales, and manufacturing will now all be on the same page, increasing productivity and efficiency.

Also, the newly available sales data can be used by our subsidiary, MyRentals, to better comprehend current sales trends to known when the best opportunities are to push more leases for emergency response shelters based on current production schedules.

Enterprise Wide Objectives
Operational Goals, Benefits and Results
Tangible Results
Intangible Results
Long Term Goals

Tangible results, in the aspect that the new server will create a measurable increase in productivity and efficiency where as the time to process a sales order will be greatly reduced, the amount of time it takes for new orders to reach accounting and manufacturing will also be reduced, the access of information between all the sales representatives will be increased, and most importantly a noticeable increase in profit margins.

The intangible results will be those that cannot be directly measured such as increase customer satisfaction, increased customer loyalty, and decreased stress amongst existing sales support representatives.

– Benefits:
1 Safer data information backup and storage.
2 Secure data transfers between remote employees and corporate representatives.
3 One unified and coherent data format that will allow for interoperability between all three branches of the company.
4 Secure access to the corporate network through the use of a VPN remote authentication server.
5 Greater information access amongst the different branches of the company (sales, manufacturing, accounting) to allow for a more efficient and productive sales process.
6 Remote computer and hardware updates, pushed out directly from the IT department while the equipment is connected to the server.
The long term goals include the anticipation of new business opportunities that will present themselves as a result of the increased efficiency and productivity from our sales support team. We hope that the new server will lead to more streamlined efficiencies throughout the rest of the companies everyday tasks including our marketing, manufacturing and accounting teams.

Eventually, more servers will be implemented to allow for the incorporation of all 3 branches of SUH into one IT infrastructure, on a single software platform, to allow for the improved reliability and efficiency of corporate data traffic for all necessary financial and inventory management documents and files.

In Summary…
Centralized Sales Support Server
Able to achieve our growing business requirements
Meets essential sales support information technology demands
Enhanced enterprise resource planning
Increased information sharing
Greater operational goals and benefits
Increase in efficiency, productivity, and profitability


CSIS. (2009, August 10). Twenty critical controls for effective cyber defense: consensus audit guidelines.
Marakas, G., & O’Brien, J. (2011). Management information systems. (p. 320). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Company.
Wikipedia. Image. Virtual private network. Retrieved from


SUH Incorporated
Executive Briefing


SUH Business Opportunity
I.T. solutions are needed to improve SUH’s ability to operate
Sales Support team would benefit from any enterprise wide implementation.
Improvement areas include:
Updated technology
Product training
Better information storage

SUH has acquired two companies with the goal of combining all three companies into one integrated enterprise
SUH needs IT personnel to come up with a sound IT solution that will improve the ability to operate
Sales Support needs an efficient IT Solution that will support them as they sell and lease products of SUH and My Rentals
Based on the analysis of the SUH Case Study there needs to be a reduction made within the sales team. However in order to successful continue operation as if it were staffed at full capacity, a plan need to be put in place to continue to drive sales.


Proposed Solution
After analyzing the information & application needs of SUH the following
Solution is proposed:
Incorporate a Knowledge Management System

A knowledge based system will enable effective and efficient business for the mobile sales team.
A knowledge base system would help not only the sales team of SUH but also the other companies My Rentals and Carbon Tech. according to Management Information Systems textbook (2011), Knowledge Management systems use information technology to help gather, organize and share business knowledge within an organization.
A knowledge base system can also be used for the purpose of training. It can reduce travel to the corporate head quarters if there was some type of web -based training, similar to online classes. This could in the long run save time and money for travel and sales.



Implementation Process

“The following chart is an overview of the implementation process. Implementation activities are needed to transform a newly developed information system into an operational system for end users. (Marakas, Obrien, p.506).”


Benefits of Knowledge
Management System
The following are capabilities and components of a knowledge portal:
Single point of access to corporate data
Collaboration tools
Community work areas
Categorizes data & information
Personalized view of news & data

The mobile sales team as well as other departments within SUH can benefit from the use of a Knowledge Management System. The benefits are both tangible and intangible to the company. “These type of systems are also known as enterprise knowledge portals which play an essential role with helping companies use their intranets as a knowledge management system to share and disseminate knowledge in support of business decision making by managers & professional” (Marakas, Obrien, p.416).
This readily available information can assist the sales team with information about products offered, whether they have been trained or not they can obtain it. A knowledge base system can also help with the storage of information, since everyone stores his or her information in a different format.


I.T. Best Practices
Project Management
Following SDLC
Maintaining IT Infrastructure

Project Management is required for the success of implementing a business plan, and in order to complete a project on time and within a certain budget a plan has to be enforced.
The systems development life cycle is a multistep process that is used to develop information system solutions. Each stage consists of the following:

During the investigation stage, IT Personnel identified the areas or business opportunities, which is how the solution of implementing a Knowledge management system became an ideal solution for SUH’s sales department.
Using the SDLC we were able to understand the business problem, develop an information system solution and now we are in the process of planning implementation of the information system solution.


Implementation Process cont.
During the application design phase of SDLC the following approach assists with systems designs:
(rapid development & testing of working models)

Developing a system prototype makes the process faster and easier. IS specialists will use application development tools to interactively design and test prototypes that meet the business needs.
Modifications of the Knowledge Management system will be made several times until SUH Incorporation declares that it is acceptable.
The prototype will be used as a model to create a finished business application


Hardware & Software
– Servers & Mainframes

During the implementation process, IT Personnel have to acquire or develop hardware and software.
An evaluation and selection of hardware, software and IT Services has to be made strategically and cost effectively
Suppliers will have the opportunity to present bids and proposals based on system specifications that are developed during the design phase and once a selection is made a request is made to the vendors who will in turn draft a proposed purchase agreement


Telecommunication Services
Organizations capable of building, designing websites
Installation services
Maintenance of system applications

Based on the needs of the business application and who is currently hired within SUH, services needed will determine what type of investments will need to be made or budgeted for additional support to successful implement and maintain the Knowledge Management System


Testing and Training
Testing of the systems will occur throughout design
Look for errors within system
Train people to operate and use system
Convert employees from old system to new Business System
Create training programs

Testing the systems capabilities will occur throughout the development and design phases using prototypes
Finalized testing will occur during implementation stage
Testing involves debugging software & finding errors and glitches that can be improved
Training programs need to be developed for implementation of the knowledge management systems and IS personnel will ensure end users are trained to operate a new system before crossing over from the old system to the new system


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