lab report 4


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NAME_______________________________ DATE________________

Experiment #


. Boyle’s Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases.

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mmHg reading on the sensor X

Pressure of the air in

mmHg = 76


mmHg + X

Pressure of the air atm


60 mL





58 mL


56 mL


54 mL


52 mL


50 mL


48 mL


1. Represent the relationship between the pressure and the volume on a graph, (Volume is being plotted along the x-axis and Pressure is being plotted along the y-axis).

2. Represent the relationship between the pressure and the inverse of the volume on a graph, (1/V is being plotted along the x-axis and Pressure is being plotted along the y-axis).

3. According to the graphs, what is the relationship between the pressure and the volume of the gas at constant temperature?

Graph of Pressure versus Volume

Graph of Pressure versus 1/Volume

Experiment # 2. Charles’s Law: Temperature-Volume Relationship in Gases

Trial 1

Trial 2

Temperature of boiling water T1 (0C)

Temperature of boiling water T1 (K)

Temperature of cooling water T2 (0C)

Temperature of cooling water T2 (K)

Volume of air in flask at higth Temperature (mL) V1

Volume of water in the flask at lower temperature (mL) Vw

Volume of air in flask at lower Temperature (mL) V2

V1 – Vw = V2 (experimental)

1.Determine the accuracy of the experimental determination of the volume (V2 in the data table) by calculating that volume using Charles’ Law.

V1/T1 = V2/T2 V2 = (V1/T1) x T2

Your calculations:

2. Assuming the calculated volume to be correct, calculate the percentage of error in the experiment: [(V2 experimental – V2 calculated) / V2 calculated] x 100 = % error

Trial 1

Trial 2

V2 (experimental)

V2 (calculated using Charles’ Law)

[V2 experimental – V2 calculated]

% error

What experimental factors are assumed to be constant in Charles’ Law experiment?

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