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Chapter 4 – Critical Thinking Assignment



Due: February 2, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. – Central Standard Time

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Please answer the two questions below.

Please answer each question with three paragraphs each.

Six to eight sentences will compose a paragraph.

Please do not combine your paragraphs.

Please submit your own work.  If there are any similarities in the assignment a Zero will be assigned to the gradebook.

Points will be deducted for not following directions.

1.  How do parents and other adults reinforce gender roles? – Explain your answer in three paragraphs.

2.  As discussed by theorists:  George Herbert Mead, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud how does an individual becomes a social person?

Which theory seems most appropriate and correct to you?  Explain why? 

 You may combine your answers in three paragraphs to explain each question for Question #2.

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