
In about 10 Sentences

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t Meat” in chapter 4 of

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Models for Writers

, respond to the following: How did each of his

arguments against eating meat unify the essay? What underlying values are implicit in Foer’s

argument against eating meat? Why does he believe that it is important to share these with his

children? Share with

your classmates how this situation plays out in your own family.



at least


ten well

constructed sentence


. Be sure to use proper grammar, as well as correct

spelling and punctuation.


Before editing a

nd proofreading, review the Week 1 video titled “How

to Write a Substantive Discussion Post”.

“Against Meat” in chapter 4 of

Models for Writers
, respond to the following: How did each of his
arguments against eating meat unify the essay? What underlying values are implicit in Foer’s
argument against eating meat? Why does he believe that it is important to share these with his
children? Share with

your classmates how this situation plays out in your own family.


at least

ten well

constructed sentence
. Be sure to use proper grammar, as well as correct
spelling and punctuation.

Before editing a
nd proofreading, review the Week 1 video titled “How
to Write a Substantive Discussion Post”.

“Against Meat” in chapter 4 of Models for Writers, respond to the following: How did each of his

arguments against eating meat unify the essay? What underlying values are implicit in Foer’s
argument against eating meat? Why does he believe that it is important to share these with his

children? Share with your classmates how this situation plays out in your own family.

In at least ten well-constructed sentences. Be sure to use proper grammar, as well as correct

spelling and punctuation. Before editing and proofreading, review the Week 1 video titled “How

to Write a Substantive Discussion Post”.

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