Weekly Discussion 2


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Weekly Discussion 2

Article Critique: Correlation & Regression

The readings for this week focus on the concepts of correlation and regression. In this discussion we will apply those concepts to the review and critique of Wagenheim & Anderson (2008). For information on how to critique a research article, see the Coughlan et al. (2007) from your resources in Week 1 and UIS (n.d.) from your resources in Week 2.

In the body of your posting, include an overview of the following topics:

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· Research question – State the research question for the study.

· Methods and study design – Describe the basic methods used, including the variables, sampling methods, data collection, etc.

· Data analysis – Summarize the statistical tests conducted, the results obtained from each test, and the conclusions regarding the research question.

· Critique – Critique the results of the study, paying specific attention to the appropriateness of the analyses conducted, any biases or assumptions that were made, practical significance of the results, and recommendations for improving upon the study (methods or analyses).

· Summary – Provide a brief summary of the study’s findings in 2-3 sentences. Do not use any numbers or statistical terms, but provide a review that would make sense to someone who has not studied research methods or statistics.

Be sure to put information in your own words and to cite appropriately. 

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