Unit 2: The Importance of Business Strategy
For this week’s Assignment, you will complete a short answer on the following question:
Why is strategy important to business?
You will want to address the main components of the strategic management process while
discussing the importance of strategy for business.
Be sure to use your reading this week as a resource. You are encouraged also to use the Library
databases and the Internet as additional resources.
Your project should be double-spaced, citations should use APA style, and it should be 2-3 written
pages in length, not including the formal title page and references page.
Make sure your formal title page includes:
• Your Full Name
• Date
• Course Name & Number
• Section Number
• Unit Number
• Case Name
• Page Numbers Throughout the Document (header or footer)
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
• Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location and
with a name that you will remember.
• Ensure your Assignment is in a
Microsoft-Office compatible format (Word or x).
• When you are ready, you may
upload your document to the
Unit 2 Dropbox.
Need help with the Dropbox? Click on the Dropbox Guide link under Academic Tools tab.
Assignment Checklist:
1. Explain the concept of the strategic management process
2. Discuss the importance of having a future oriented plan
3. Discuss the organization’s vision, mission, purpose, philosophy or goal
4. Discuss the strategic process as input for future decision making