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Answer the following questions for up to 30 points. Each question is worth 5 points. These questions pertain to the book
by R.J. Palacio (2012)[endnoteRef:1]. You should write a couple of paragraphs on each question. Each answer will be graded on both content and thoughtfulness as well as grammar and spelling. To obtain the maximum amount of points both aspects of your writing must be exemplary. [1:]

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1. Which character did you relate to most and why? Explain some of the similarities or experiences that made you relate to this character most.

2. Throughout
Auggie describes the way that many people react to seeing his face for the first time: by immediately looking away. Have you ever been in a situation where you have responded like this to seeing someone different? Having now read
, how do you feel about this now?

3. How would you describe Auggie as a person in the first few chapters of the book? What about the final few chapters? Has he changed significantly? Are there any experiences or episodes during the story that you think had a particular effect on him? If so, how?

4. In the chapter “Costumes” Auggie describes the astronaut helmet that he wore constantly as a younger child. We later learn that Miranda was the one to give Auggie the helmet, and is proud of the gift, but that it was Auggie’s father who threw it away. What do you think the helmet signifies to each of these characters and why do you think they all view it so differently?

5. Which precept did you like the best, which is the one that you would like to remember and live by? Include the precept and author of the precept in your answer. (just choose 1 precept)

6. Why do you think I assigned this book to you? How does it relate to criminal justice or juvenile justice? Or does it? Did you like the assignment and what did you get out of it? Does the assignment have value for students?

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