
Response Paper 1 Instruction

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Paper Due: Week 4

Length: 3-4 pages

For this paper, you will have your choice of four separate topics. Select 1 of these topics to write a 3–4-page paper on.

For each of these papers, you should consider the textbook, the primary source documents, and the course lectures in shaping your response. Also, most of the questions provide at least one additional document for you to consider.

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Papers must make direct reference to course readings and lecture material. Failure to do so will result in a substantively lower grade evaluation. Please note that random internet sources are no substitute for the quality readings and lecture materials provided in this course.

You may find it convenient to write the paper in the week that the material is covered. You can upload your paper early, but you must submit this paper by the end of Week 4.

Paper Topics

1. Although Socrates never wrote anything, his ideas were captured and communicated by his student, Plato. You have already read a selection from Plato’s Republic. Also consider the document 

“The Defense of Socrates,”

 in which Socrates defends himself when he is on trial for his life before the Athenian assembly. How do these documents trace out a vision of Socratic philosophy? What is the goal? What is the method? In what ways might the philosophical approach still be of value today?

2. The section on the Roman Empire provided accounts from Augustus, Nero, and Marcus Aurelius. This paper should also consider 

an account (again, from Suetonius) of the Emperor Domitian

. How do these various documents demonstrate both the ideals for Roman Emperors and their practice? How did Emperors both shape and respond to culture in the Empire? How do you assess an institution in which these four emperors (among many others) were in charge? 

3. The Early Christian Church remains a topic of on-going interest. In addition to the documents for the course, also consider writings such as 

“The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus”


Clement of Alexandria’s Stromata (Book I, chs. 3-10, 19-20)

. How did the Early Church relate to its broader culture? What did it share with Greco-Roman culture, what did it reject, and what did it transform? How does this help us understand the growth of the Early Christian Church?

4. A key Renaissance concept was ad Fontes, the desire to go back “to the source.” Consider the Renaissance readings, as well as significant letters of Petrarch (available on the Course page) and 


. How do these various authors show an impulse to go “to the source”? What are the sources to which they hope to return? What do they intend to do with their learning once they have gone “to the source”? What type of cultural change do they hope to achieve? 

Other Details

Style: Papers should be typed and double-spaced. Set the margins at a width of 1-inch and use a reasonable font (Calibri or Times New Roman). Please paginate your paper.

Citation: Please cite according to one of two formats. You may use either Chicago/Turabian Style or MLA Style. MLA Style uses parenthetical citations, while Chicago style uses footnotes. Those using Chicago Style should consult Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers, 8th edition and follow the Notes-Bibliography format for information on footnotes. Although many students are more familiar with MLA style, be aware that Chicago/Turabian is standard for research and writing in the discipline of History.

Discussion Forum: just 1page

Consider Machiavelli’s advice to The Prince. What are the most significant pieces of advice he gives? Consider whether this is similar or different to political ideas that have come before. Then, evaluate it. Is this good leadership advice? Should political or business leaders follow Machiavelli’s counsel?

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