Class 2 Week 4 Assignment

Follow all instructions and rubric.  This is a 2 part assignment 

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NURS 521

Informatics Program Assignment Overview


Informatics nurses are often involved in program development and management for large health IT implementations. In the two-part Informatics Program Assignment, you will choose one type of program to focus on from the options below. You will then write two papers, one describing a needs assessment and one describing a program implementation plan.

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Start by choosing one of the following options:

Option 1:

An organization is interested in developing a telehealth program to address disparity in access to healthcare in a rural community.

Option 2:

An organization is interested in developing a simulation education center to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration skills and fill a need for area nursing education programs.

Option 3:

An organization is interested in purchasing a new electronic health record (EHR) program because the current program has become outdated.

Once you’ve selected one of the options above, you will use it as the focal topic for two Informatics Program Assignments. Your work does not have to focus on a specific organization or community; it can be a general description of a needs assessment and implementation plan for the type of program you selected.

1. Informatics Program: Need Assessment Assignment

2. Informatics Program: Implementation Plan Assignment

Each assignment is a formal 5 – 8 page paper. Please see assignment instructions and grading rubric for each for more detail regarding expectations.

You will submit both papers through the Turnitin plagiarism tool to check the originality of your work.

NURS 521

Informatics Program: Needs Assessment Assignment Instructions


Informatics nurses are often involved in program management for large IT implementations. Using one of the program options listed in the Informatics Program Assignment Overview document, you will develop a program plan.


The Informations Program: Needs Assessment Assignment is a formal academic paper which must include the following using the program option you selected (telehealth, EHR, or simulation):

· Discuss how a needs assessment would be conducted and what it would take (time, resources, etc.) to get the program started.

· Select an informatics theory or model to use as a framework for the needs assessment and program development.

· Describe the need for informatics nurses and their role within the program.


· Paper length: 5 – 8 pages (not including your title and reference pages, which are required)

· Format: current APA style.

· References: A minimum of 5 scholarly sources published in the past 5 years must be cited (must include course text)

· Examples of acceptable sources include nursing or medical textbooks, scholarly, peer-reviewed research journal articles, and reliable websites (generally .org, .gov., or .edu sites are acceptable). Please avoid citing blogs, .com sites, and social media.

You will submit your paper through the Turnitin plagiarism tool to check the originality of your work.

Criteria Ratings Points


47 to >42.

0 pts


Thorough analysis of a
needs assessment related
to the chosen program is
discussed in detail.
Synthesis of information is
evident throughout the
paper with sufficient
research support.

42 to >38.0 pts


Analysis of a needs
assessment related to
the chosen program is
discussed in detail.
Synthesis of information
is moderately evident
throughout the paper with
research support.

38 to >0.0 pts


Minimal analysis of a needs
assessment related to the
chosen program is
discussed. Synthesis of
information is minimally
evident throughout the
paper with minimal research

0 pts


47 pts

Theory or

46 to >41.0 pts


Thorough analysis of a
related theory or model
related to the chosen
program is noted.
Synthesis of information is
evident throughout the
paper with sufficient
research support.

41 to >38.0 pts


Moderate analysis of a
related theory or model is
noted. Synthesis of
information is moderately
evident throughout the
paper with minimal
research support.

38 to >0.0 pts

Minimal analysis of a
related theory or model is
noted. Synthesis of
information is minimally
evident throughout the
paper with minimal research

0 pts

46 pts

Nurse Role

47 to >42.0 pts


Thorough analysis of
informatics nurse role
related to the chosen
program is discussed in
detail. Synthesis of
information is evident
throughout the paper with
sufficient research

42 to >38.0 pts

Moderate analysis of
informatics nurse related
to the chosen program is
noted. Synthesis of
information evident
throughout the paper with
moderate research

38 to >0.0 pts

Minimal analysis of
informatics and the role of
an informatics nurse related
to the chosen program is
noted. Synthesis of
information is minimally
evident throughout the
paper with minimal research

0 pts
47 pts

Format and

30 to >27.0 pts


Demonstrates proper,
current APA edition format
including references, title
page, and reference page
without error. At least 5
scholarly sources
published in the past 5
years are cited/referenced.

27 to >24.0 pts


Demonstrates proper,
current APA format
including references, title
page and reference page
with a few errors. 3 – 4
scholarly sources
published in the past 5
years are

24 to >0.0 pts


Demonstrates proper
current APA format
including references, title
page and reference page
with multiple errors. 1 – 2
scholarly sources published
in the past 5 years are

0 pts

30 pts

Informatics Program: Needs Assessment Grading Rubric |

Criteria Ratings Points

Grammar 30 to >27.0 pts


Proper use of grammar,
spelling, and sentence
structure without any

27 to >24.0 pts

Proper use of grammar,
spelling and sentence
structure with a few

24 to >0.0 pts

Proper use of grammar,
spelling and sentence
structure with multiple

0 pts
30 pts

Total Points: 200

Informatics Program: Needs Assessment Grading Rubric |

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