week 2 dis 2 psy

Three different brainstorming techniques are described in this week’s readings: personal inventory, clustering, and Internet Research. Which method do you feel will be the most useful to you when selecting a speech topic? Explain why you feel this way. Describe an example situation in which your chosen method has worked for you. See the two linked worksheets on

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Clustering Worksheet

If you are having a difficult time coming up with a speech topic, you might try brainstorming for a topic. One method of brainstorming is clustering, which is described on pages 80–81 of your textbook. Create lists of items that come to mind under each of the following nine headings. If none of the items on your lists grabs your interest, try creating sublists for those items that seem the most promising as potential topics.



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Internet Research Worksheet

Name    Section


Find two documents from the Internet on the subject of your next speech. Provide a complete citation for each article following the bibliography format required by your instructor and answer the questions about each document.

1. Document: 

Did you locate this document through a search engine? Yes  No 

If you answered yes, what is the name of the search engine? 

If you answered no, how did you locate the document? 

Why will the document be useful for your speech? Be specific. 

Explain why the author or sponsoring organization for this document should be accepted as a credible source on your speech topic.

2. Document: 

Did you locate this document through a search engine? Yes  No 
If you answered yes, what is the name of the search engine? 
If you answered no, how did you locate the document? 
Why will the document be useful for your speech? Be specific. 

Explain why the author or sponsoring organization for this document should be accepted as a credible source on your speech topic.

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