Data Analysis


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In this assignment, you will perform an exploratory analysis that will allow you to get a feel for the data and start exploring potential relationships. This may include:

  • Descriptive statistics
  • Histograms
  • Bar charts
  • Heat maps
  • Line graphs
  • Box plots
  • Frequency tables

Once your analysis is complete, you will need to provide a Word document showing and describing the results of your exploratory analysis.

2nd part


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you will perform a model development on your dataset, following these step:

  1. Using your chosen dataset, reevaluate the heat map from the last module.
  2. Consider ways to perform a visual check to see if there is a relationship between fields.
  3. With this insight, develop a model using either linear regression or multiple linear regression.
  4. Report the intercepts, slope, model accuracy, output to predicted comparison, and a scatterplot with line portraying the model.

Once you complete these steps, you will need to provide a Word document showing and explaining the results of your model development. 

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