Assignment – Supporting People in Crisis

Powerpoint instruction is attached below.

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Imagine you are a Human Services Professional that has been hired to train a group of people who have volunteered to answer telephone calls on a crisis hotline serving your community. The volunteers are eager to help but have no prior training nor experience handling crisis situations.

You need to research the topic and prepare a visually appealing PowerPoint slideshow to accompany your training session. Your PowerPoint slideshow will need to:

1. Have a title slide that includes the name of your community.

2. Contain 6-12 content slides.

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3. Address the following:

4. General best practices for working effectively with people experiencing a crisis

5. Research-based intervention strategies to help clients cope with crisis

6. Choose a specific type of crisis and compile a list of local resources that the volunteers would find useful when supporting a client experiencing that type of crisis.

7. Clearly communicate important concepts and be written using proper spelling/grammar.

Cite at least 3 academic references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.

When developing a presentation, it’s important to be mindful of how you layout your content. The slides should present key points, arranged in a logical manner, without extraneous information contributing to a cluttered look. Using the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint is a great way to include relevant details to be shared during your presentation without overloading the slides.

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