Deconstructing Ethnicity and Race in Media

Week 04a Deconstructing Ethnicity and Race in Media –
Session Slides

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To help us further unpack the difference between ethnicity/culture and race, we offer these three video clips. In each clip, please consider:

· Where do you see ethnicity? Where do you see people building their nest in order to be, belong, and become whole and well?

· Where do you see race? Where do you see people experiencing being caged by being othered, outed, or oppressed?

· Where do you see power? Where do you see the power of self-determination and resilience? Where do see the power of hierarchically lifting one group over others or putting one group down below others?

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Buzzfeed Yellow. (2015). I’m Latinx but I’m not. As/Is.

Soe, V. (1986). All Orientals look the same.

National Congress of American Indians. (2011). Proud to be.

Omoregie, D. O. (2020). Black. Psychodrama.

After watching each clip, please journal and post your response to the discussion board below. Read and respond respectfully to what others are posting.

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