
Read the final paper assignment below . Then, please provide an outline that itemizes the concepts that you will include in your paper. Please be sure to include concepts learned in the course and information (findings, conclusions) from your previous papers (TBD). Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined. Here is an itemized list that summarizes the requirements of this discussion

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●  Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course

●  Include information (findings, conclusions) from your previous papers

●  Brief details for each item that is outlined

Final Paper:

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Select an NFP organization or government agency that deals with a relatively narrow and specific set of health care issues, whether through service delivery, consumer advocacy, education/promotion, financing, or regulation. Look for an entity for which there is abundant information about the nature of its operations. 

Define a set of strategic performance measures for the entity. 

These should be metrics that are as objective and measurable as possible. It is preferable that they be quantitative, but do not try to quantify something that is truly subjective. By tracking these measures, the organization or agency should be able to determine whether it is making progress toward achievement of its strategic mission. If it helps, imagine that you are the head of the entity and will be using these metrics to determine how well you are doing and to persuade your funding sources to continue supporting your work.



Operations of System





Operations of System


In the mid-1950s, Professor Jay W. Forrester who was of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created or invented the aspect of System Dynamics. As an approach, system dynamics entailed that understanding of the non-linear behavior that is experienced in the complex systems over a certain duration and this is done using stocks, internal feedback flows, table functions and loops as well as time delays. Since its inception, system dynamics has become among the widely used system approaches in the globe with the aspect being applied across various sectors not only in the education sector but also in the business arenas especially in the health care organization. Under this broad approach, the professor also coined the phrase, operation of systems and it is one that is forming the basis of this discussion by looking at what the individual had to say about it and how it can be applied in real-life situations such as in a health care organization.

What the professor had to say about the operations of the system

The professor had essential information to say about the operations of the system. Specifically, the individual said that the operations of the system entailed the standard as well as the broad collection of those business processes that are used within the numerous diversified organizations. The essential information that is also required to be known in this phrase is what a system is. A system under the context of system dynamic means an integrated group of individuals in an organization together with the machines and other equipment or components that are working together to achieve a common goal, (Lane, 2008). As an example, the business will comprise its employees including the managers and equipment and components and these will work together for a common purpose. In attaining this goal, the components have to operate together and in collaboration to achieve the intended goal they may want to achieve. Therefore, the operation of systems entails the above aspects of the components of a system such as hardware and software working together for a certain motive to be attained.

The other information that this professor said about the operation of systems entailed the aspect of the management or the consideration of the inputs in a business setting so that an essential output may be achieved, (Lane, 2000). The inputs may also comprise information that will aid in the production process especially by leading or guiding the entire process of production. As such, operations of the system would entail the manner that the inputs, as well as the information, will be managed in a business and this will aid in the production of a desirable outcome in the firm, (Richardson, 2020). It is also worth mentioning an important aspect mentioned by the Professor regarding this term and the specific issue is that despite that there are different components of a system especially the hardware and the software, they all have to work together and jointly. As an example, the machines have to be operated by human beings in an attempt of achieving a desirable outcome. Also, in most cases, a system has been viewed in the form of a business or an organization such as a health care organization where people and machines have to interact between them geared toward achieving a common goal.

The application

The operation of systems as developed by Forrester W. Jay under the broad spectrum of system dynamics might be applied in various businesses, especially in a health care organization. The notable way that it can be applied includes dealing with the numerous problems that may be experienced in such firms and those that are characterized by mutual interaction, interdependence, provision of information feedback, and even circular causality. In any system or a health care organization, for instance, problems are inevitable and this is also an issue that Jay Wright Forrester noticed especially where there were a decline and instant rise in the purchase of commodities that he saw the managers of organizations experience while at the institute. The problems are those that arise from different sources but these are those that can be solved by applying the approach of operations of the system. Among them is mutual interaction especially whereby in any organization, people have to interact between themselves, and during this interaction, there might be problems like poor relations between people, (Forrester, Producer, 2016). The same may be experienced when it comes to interdependence since the components of a system have to interdepend. By informing the people that they have to interact positively and depend on each other or work in collaboration, then such an issue may be addressed amicably. When it comes to the provision of feedback information, the same may be applied in solving problems such as delayed feedback, (Lane, 2007). The problem of circular causality in this healthcare organization may also be addressed by applying the aspect of the operation of systems since, in a system, a failure in one section will also likely lead to a failure in another section.

The other important application that may be done on the approach of operation systems entails the aspect of operations management and the making of key and critical dimensions that will determine the success of the healthcare organization and/or business, (Schwaninger, 2009). In this health care organization, the business may want to operate globally or even be intending to provide the best services to the consumers that use the services of such an organization. In such a case, essential decisions have to be made and collective decisions are deemed to be the best as opposed to individual decisions. By applying the concept of collaboration or working as a group as brought forth by the professor, then collective decisions will be made by the health care organization especially when planning to operate in the international markets where it may intend to expand. Also, the manner that the organization will be operated may also change whenever this concept is applied. The organization will operate in a manner that it will become highly competitive and outdo the other firms that they may be competing in the same industry or geographical regions. Therefore, the concept is highly applicable in the area of a health care organization.


Just like Professor Forrester did in coming up with this concept of operations of the system, various individuals or scholars have come about with their essential concept. However, by looking at the concept at hand by this professor, it is essential to argue that this is a broad and impactful concept that this individual framed. It has a significant impact in the business and specifically in the health care organization where it is applied. Also, it covers a broad spectrum in the business arena and can be utilized in solving or dealing with the majority of the problems that such a health care organization/business might be experiencing. The concept has also undergone a tremendous improvement since it was created and as it advances, the more it has a notable impact on the firms where it is applied.


Markus Schwaninger. (2009). System dynamics in the evolution of the systems approach. Encyclopedia of complexity and systems science.


David C. Lane and John Sterman. (2008). System Dynamics by Jay W. Professor. Profiles in Operations Research: Pioneers and Innovators.


Jay W. Forrester. (Producer). (21st December 2016). Applications of system dynamics.


Lane, D. C. (2000). Should system dynamics be described as a ‘hard or ‘deterministic systems approach? Systems Research and Behavioral Science: The Official Journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, 17(1), 3-22.


Lane, D. C. (2007). The power of the bond between cause and effect: Jay Wright Forrester and the field of system dynamics. System Dynamics Review: The Journal of the System Dynamics Society, 23(2‐3), 95-118.


Richardson, G. P. (2020). The core of System Dynamics. System Dynamics: Theory and Applications, 11-20.




Covered California






As a state, California is among those states that have chosen and undertaken the activity of creating its marketplace for health care, and this has been done under the Affordable Care Act. The practice is what is regarded as Covered California and also stretches to cover California’s Health Insurance Exchange. The above exchange is a free service and one that is offered by the government agency that provides subsidized Obamacare plans for the state of California. It was established so that it could help the citizens of this state as well as the legal residents to apply for marketplace coverage so that it could comply with the Affordable Care Act.

It is also important to mention that the insurance exchange is aimed at connecting the residents of California with a brand-name for the health insurance under the Patient Care program or plan. After being put into place, the program has managed to cover a large number of individuals, and this has been in line with what it was meant to carry out/execute, which was reducing the costs of health insurance so that more and more individuals would be insured under the program, (Jones et al., 2014). The majority of low-income families have also been beneficiaries or managed to benefit from the program since, through this exchange, those families that sign/signed up via this exchange can qualify for the tax credits.

As far as what California’s health insurance exchange would be, it is worth mentioning that it would become California’s rescue plan/program for the majority of the legal residents in California. A notable reason exists for arguing as such concerning what this exchange would be maybe in the future. As an example, since its inception, the health insurance exchange has undergone tremendous steps and changes, and this is all meant to ensure that there are better outcomes for those that will be getting the above free service. It is also seen that a lot of individuals have managed to enroll in the Affordable Care Act under the insurance exchange, and more of the Californian residents are expected to join into the Affordable Care Act, also regarded as Covered California in this state (Gabel et al., 2017). The above instances form the basis of arguing that the health insurance exchange is anticipated to be California’s Rescue Plan enhancement. Also, the individuals will be at a point of adding their parents like dependents if at all they will be at a point of providing around 50% of the support to their parents. As a result, and overall, this exchange is likely to be California’s Rescue Plan in terms of health care and would most likely replace the Obama Care program.

As for the reasons of arguing as above, all Californians are entitled or are supposed to be assured of their health conditions, and this can only be attained if at all they can access not only affordable but also high-quality health care. The above activity is one that can be achieved by having such a health insurance exchange which will make sure that the people of the state of California can access this high-quality health care (Scheffler et al., 2015). At the core of this aspect are the costs associated with the acquisition of this health care. In such an instance, the health insurance exchange is one that will ensure the bargaining power of the residents, and this is a condition that will lower the cost of registering for the Affordable Care. The reduced costs of acquiring health are also one that will make sure that even those people that have a lower income can access affordable and also high-quality health care as it is entitled to them.

The redesign

In case I was at a point of redesigning a certain aspect of the California health insurance exchange, the specific aspect that I would redesign is that of the tax issue which is imposed on those that fail to buy the health insurance. As of 2014, the Federal Affordable Care Act made it a requirement that the personal taxpayers, as well as their dependents, were to keep a Minimum Essential Coverage (Drake, 2019). In case such individuals were unable to go as per this requirement, then they were to face some tax penalty. The same aspect was applied to those people that were capable of purchasing the health insurance under the exchange scenario but failed to do so, and they were to be subjected to a tax penalty (Schwartz, 2012). In combination, the above two issues bring about a single thing or aspect of the tax penalty under the Californian health insurance exchange. Therefore, in case there was an opportunity of redesigning the health insurance exchange, the aspect of the tax penalty is one that would be redesigned. The manner of redesigning would be coming up with an essential way of sensitizing the people to purchase health insurance as opposed to imposing certain taxes on those that would fail to buy it. As it will be seen in the reasons given below, the above aspect is worth or important to be redesigned so that the image of the health insurance exchange may be improved and enhanced.

Among the essential reasons for arguing that this is an aspect worth to be redesigned is that the tax penalty appears as an inappropriate way of dealing with those that fail to take part in the exchange despite them qualifying for it. In other words, imposing the tax penalty appears to be a way of punishing the residents as opposed to influencing or sensitizing them. Instead of forcing the people, it would be important to teach them about why they have to engage in the health insurance exchange or purchase the health insurance instead of imposing the tax penalty on those failing to purchase the health insurance, especially the low-income individuals. The other reason is that the tax penalty would interfere with the other spheres of life of an individual apart from the medical scheme. For instance, the tax penalty applies whenever the people are filing their yearly state taxes, which covers other areas of the people such as housing and employment spheres. Therefore, it becomes important to redesign the tax penalty to avoid such an occurrence.


Covered California is an important aspect of the program since it has a significant impact on the lives of Californians (Lytle et al., 2013). Since its inception, the majority of the residents from California have benefited from the program. As an example, most of them have their medical costs reduced and have attained or can access affordable and quality care, which has led to better health outcomes. However, certain aspects of the health insurance exchange are those that might require being redesigned due to the consequences that the aspects come with them. As discussed in the body section, the tax penalty that is imposed on those that fail to purchase the health insurance under this exchange scheme might require being redesigned so that it does not appear as a punishment in the scheme.


Drake, C. (2019). What are consumers willing to pay for a broad network health plan? Evidence from covered California. Journal of health economics, 65, 63-77.


Gabel, J. R., Arnold, D. R., Fulton, B. D., Stromberg, S. T., Green, M., Whitmore, H., & Scheffler, R. M. (2017). Consumers buy lower-cost plans on Covered California, suggesting exposure to premium increases is less than commonly reported. Health Affairs, 36(1), 8-15.


Jones, D. K., Bradley, K. W., & Oberlander, J. (2014). Pascal’s Wager: health insurance exchanges, Obamacare, and the Republican dilemma. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 39(1), 97-137.


Lytle, Elizabeth C., Dylan H. Roby, Laurel Lucia, Ken Jacobs, Livier Cabezas, and Naderah Pourat. “Promoting Enrollment of Low-Income Health Program Participants in Covered California.” (2013).


Scheffler, R. M., Kessell, E., & Brandt, M. (2015). Covered California: The Impact of Provider and Health Plan Market Power on Premiums. Journal of health politics, policy, and law, 40(6), 1179-1202.


Schwartz, M. D. (2012). Health care reform and the primary care workforce bottleneck. Journal of general internal medicine, 27(4), 469-472.


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