It is important for any county to have a hospital that caters for the needs of patients whenever needed. Hospitals contribute a great deal to the economy of any county or country for that matter. When the citizens of an area have their health well taken c


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It is important for any county to have a hospital that caters for the needs of patients whenever needed. Hospitals contribute a great deal to the economy of any county or country for that matter. When the citizens of an area have their health well taken care of, then there is a high probability of having maximum productivity and profit maximization. The economy, in turn, is greatly improved with the aid of a healthy population. County leaders who tend not to put the needs of the residents first and do not take them into consideration are only in for a rude shock with business going down the drain. In this report, in the case of Jefferson County, a few concerns are addressed with regard to the options made available which are dissected to see the best option to be considered when putting up the hospital.

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