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3 February 2022

PS450: Psyché Assignment

For this assignment, I want you to think about why our discipline is called Psychology. ‘-ology’ refers to the study of – so Psychology is the study of Psyché. Psyché is the Greek term for “soul” or “spirit” (ψυχή). But, how did Psyché, a mortal woman in Greek mythology, become associated with the soul or spirit? And how is our discipline, psychology, related to the study of the soul? That is what this assignment is about. Let’s start by exploring who Psyché is.

First, watch the video below and then look at the picture.

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Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss-video

Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss-picture

Now, find out what the legend of Psyché is. Why is Cupid reviving her here? What happens next that leads to her becoming goddess of the soul?

Answer these questions in 3-5 pages using at least 5 references.

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