Thinking and Language reflection

Worksheet with 4 questions 100-200 worded response.

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Responses must contain the following:

– Clarity: The intent of the writer is clear. 

– Logic: The answer makes sense.

-Answers question: The questions are addressed fully.

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-Mechanics: Answers contain proper punctuation and grammar 

Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet


Reflect on your understanding of the relationship between thinking and language.

Answer the following questions in 100-200 words each:

a) How do individuals acquire and develop language?

b) How do people communicate thoughts and how did they learn to do so?

c) What are some symbols (e.g., letters of the alphabet) people use to communicate?

d) Explain are these symbols related to critical thinking?

The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

a) Clarity: The intent of the writer is clear.

b) Logic: The answer makes sense.

c) Answers question: The questions are addressed fully.

d) Mechanics: Answers contain proper punctuation and grammar.

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