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· Lab 2: Optical Disc Capacities

Prepare a list to include as many varieties as possible of recordable or rewritable CDs, DVDs, and BDs, both single-layer and double-layer. What is the maximum capacity of each disc and compare to its stated capacity?

· Lab 4: Drive Installation and Preparation

Prepare a drive for use, including partitioning and formatting. Either partition the entire drive as one volume and then perform the primary/extended partitioning

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Confirm the partition(s) are available in My Computer (or similar) and that you can write information to each one. (Provide a screen shot showing the partitions in each case).

· Lab 4 Laptop Video: Determine if your laptop uses shared video memory. If so, how much is being reserved for the video card? Where do you configure it?

· Lab 5 Laptop Hardware: Identify the following internal laptop components, and determine what you can upgrade them to (if anything).

· Hard drive

· Memory

· Processor

· Expansion slots

· Wireless network card

· Video card

· CMOS battery

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